Terms Glossary
  • 22 Nov 2022
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Terms Glossary

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Article summary

AccountA registered user in the portal
Action Visibility Rule
A property on all Entity Actions that sets the conditions for whether the Action is visible
Administrator A managerial user group who possesses executive power over their Decisions server and its subordinate user groups
AgentA client-side application that allows intuitive integration with other servers or machines 
AnnotationFlow design elements used to create comments, boxes, arrows, Swimlanes, etc. to clarify how a Flow works
App Store
A public repository of published demo applications created in Decisions
AssignmentA property of a Task that assigns the task to a User or Group
Async Flow
A Sub-Flow that doesn’t pause the primary Flow while it executes 
BranchingSplitting a Flow into concurrent threads using the Branch Step (see also "Merging") 
Breakpoint (obsolete)A pause setting on any Step in a Flow, used in the Debugger
Configuration Folder
A Folder created by default for a User Defined Type that allows configuration such as adding Entity Actions (see also "Folder" and "User Defined Type") 
ConstantA Mapping Type that requires a designer to set a definite value for the data in question (see also "Mapping Type")
Converter Flow
A Flow that runs specifically to convert data from one type to another. For example, a Converter Flow might parse number data from a string. 
DashboardA type of Page designed to display data from multiple perspectives (charts, tiles, graphs, etc.) that lets users take action directly from the display (see also "Page")
Data Flow
A Flow connected to a Form that runs in the background to process data related to the Form. Data Flows are most commonly used to create dynamic data that refreshes on a Form without the user having to leave the Form or click a button. 
DebuggerThe built-in Decisions testing tool helps identify errors during design.
Decisions Designer Studio
The design side of the Decisions portal where designers can create flows, forms, rules, reports, etc. 
Decisions User PortalThe end-user side of the Decisions portal where users can take action on tasks, see assignments, etc.
Designer (user)An intermediary user group who creates new approaches and solutions with pre-existing tools i.e. pre-built or Developer built Steps, Form/Page Controls, etc.
Designer Folder
A container in the Designer Studio that holds the entities (for example, Flow, Form, User Defined Type) of a given process 
Developer An advanced user group who nurtures a deeper understanding of Decisions as well as software development skills to create new custom tools, such as Steps and Form Controls, for use within the platform
End-userAn introductory user who navigates Decisions only through the constructions of the higher level user groups (Designers, Developers, and Administrators); contains no ability to create process-altering changes but may interact with the process, ex. submitting data in a Form, when allowed and/or prompted
EntityOne of the broadest terms in Decisions, in a non-technical sense "Entity", refers to any discrete thing in a folder (e.g. Flow, Task, another folder, etc.). As a technical term, "Entity" refers to a specific kind of data structure in Decisions. 
Entity Action
Any actions that can be taken on an entity of a given entity type.
Entity Extension
A custom data structure in Decisions that creates an object that extends the existent Entity type 
Entity Folder ID
A property that uniquely identifies the containing Folder of an Entity
EventSome changes in an external system that Decisions can monitor (e.g., watch an inbox for emails). You can configure Decisions to kick off some action (e.g., a Job) in response to an event occurring (see also "Job") 
Event WatcherA Flow specifically designed to monitor an external system for a change, for example, watching a given email inbox for any new email. 
ExpressionA mathematical statement that can be evaluated in a single Step in a Flow (e.g., the Evaluate Expression Step) 
File References
A way of managing data that allows large files to be saved in the file system rather than memory but still be usable in the Portal 
FlowA process made in the Flow Designer using individual steps that does some kind of work and/or returns an outcome
Flow Behavior
An interface definition for a flow. It can enforce expected inputs and outputs as well as create the expected inputs when the behavior is assigned 
Flow DataAll the data used in a Flow, including data created in the Flow (e.g., by a Create Data step) or passed into the Flow as input data
Flow EngineThe underlying technology and services are responsible for creating and executing Flows in Decisions. This is distinct from the Flow Designer, the graphical workspace used to design Flows.
Flow Execution Data ExtensionA custom data structure in Decisions that enables the default Flow data to be extended to include other process data 
Flow Structure
A data structure is used to create an entity that lives in a Flow. It is simply a data structure that cannot be stored. Its limitation is that it can’t perform actions on itself or others. For further information, please refer to the Understanding Differences Between Defined Data Structures article.
FolderA way to organize entities in Decisions. A basic Folder is distinct from a Designer or Process Folder in that it doesn’t imply any logical relationship between the entities it contains.
Folder Extension
A custom data structure in Decisions that acts like a folder. Folder extensions can be generated with a default set of Create, Edit, Get and Delete methods and can also be configured with custom actions using flows.
Folder Extension Action
An action can be taken on a folder of a given folder extension type.
Folder ID
A property that uniquely identifies a folder 
FormA web form created in the Form Designer that lets users interact, input data, view information, etc. 
Form Control
An element of a Form (for example, a Button control)
Form FlowAny Flow that includes a web form
GroupA collection of accounts related in some way
Group Actions
Action-based outcomes can be resolved together and simultaneously. 
GUIDGlobal Unique ID - hexadecimal value used in multiple places in Decisions (for example, as Entity ID values)
IgnoreA Mapping Type that tells Decisions to disregard the value of the data altogether. Commonly confused with Null (see also "Mapping Type")
Importing / Exporting
You can import and export entities and entire folders to and from a Decisions server 
InlineRefers to the position of a field as it appears in a grid (e.g., a data grid or Report). Often used in the context of taking action on data where it appears, for example, filtering data in a Report. 
Interceptor Rule
A specialized kind of Rule that you can design "on the fly" to react to unexpected changes in your process. It lets you design rules based on changing data situations rather than predictable ones. Interceptor Rules "intercept" data to deal with it in a new way as it changes. For example, Interceptor Rules might be used in quickly changing inventory management applications. 
JobA Flow or a number of Flows that run on a schedule you set (e.g., to check a given email inbox once an hour) or on certain events (e.g., startup) (see also "Event") 
MappingConnections between data across Steps or Flows. Mapping tells Decisions on how to identify or transform data as it moves through a process 
Mapping Type
A property for all input/output data that lets a designer set how data is handled. For example, setting a value to "Rename" lets you assign a new name without changing the data itself, whereas "Converter Flow" lets you change the data itself (e.g., convert the string to decimal)
MergingRejoining the branches of a Flow into a single thread using the Merge Step
Message Queues
Asynchronous communication is used between Decisions and external services (e.g., AWS). Messages are stored in the queue until they are processed and deleted.
MessagingThe integration of Decisions with different messaging systems 
ModulesAdd-on features in Decisions, such as Active Directory, AWS, or HL7. You can add modules under System > Administration > Features 
Multi-Tenant / Clustering
Multiple Decisions servers sharing the same primary database but each retaining its own file system 
Named Session
A web session that uses a specific account when invoking Flow via REST without needing to expose the user account information 
Notification Flow
A kind of Flow you can use to create custom notification messages to send to Users and Groups (e.g., SMS, Slack message, etc.). A Notification Flow is just a standard Flow with the added feature of exposing its notification function in other Flows. 
NullA Mapping Type that sets the value to empty. For example, a Boolean value may need to be neither true nor false by default. Commonly confused with Ignore (see also "Mapping Type")
PageCreated in the Page Designer, a Page displays data (often from a Report) in a way that makes it easy for users to understand and take action (see also “Dashboard”) 
Portal Base URL
The URL assigned in IIS that navigates to the Decisions Portal
Primary FlowA Flow that contains a Sub-Flow. Primary Flows may also be referred to as "parent Flows" (see also "Sub-Flow")
Process Folder
A data storage option within the portal designed to save persistent flow data (such as flow states and files) (see also "Flow Execution Data")
Process State
A property of a running Flow that describes where it stands at a given point. Process States do not exist on a Flow by default; they are set entirely by the designer. The Example Process States might include "Started", "Pending Review", or "Approved". 
RelationBusiness relationships between Users and Groups. By Default, Decisions include a Manager Relation, but you can create any kind of Relation you want in the System Folder Tree. 
Repeater Control
A specialized Form Control is used to create dynamic, repeating elements on a Form (e.g., creating additional text fields when all available ones are filled)
ReportCreated in the Report Designer, a Report is a way to use data sources, filters, groups, and views to fetch and organize data
Report Filter
Narrows report data according to customizable parameters (e.g. filtering by a certain date range)
RepositoryFile host that supports collaboration, backup, and versioning of Decisions projects 
RuleA discrete piece of logic created in the Rule Designer that takes in one or more inputs and returns one or more outputs 
Rule EngineThe underlying technology and services responsible for creating and executing Rules in Decisions. This is distinct from the Rule Designer, which is the graphical workspace used to design Rules.
Rule Engine Extension
A Rule Behavior that allows you to embed a Rule in another Rule 
Rule Set
A set of rules designed to be re-used; that is, they can be parameterized or customized based on context without the need to copy or rewrite them 
Run Converter FlowA Mapping Type that tells the Flow to run another Flow to convert the data (usually from one data type to another) (see also "Mapping Type")
RuntimeRefers to the time span in which execution takes place, for example, when a Flow or Report is run
Select Value [From Flow]A Mapping Type that lets the Flow designer use a variable from all available data at that point in the Flow (see also "Mapping Type")
Service Host Manager
SHM is a Windows Service responsible for foundation services to define Decisions platform functionality. An example of these services would include Flow Edit Service, which defines Flow Designer functionality, or Flow Execution Service which is responsible for Flow Execution processes. Sometimes it is necessary to restart SHM. 
SnapshotsImages of Reports you can easily capture and share
StepA single point of action within a Flow (for example, the Send Email Step)
A Flow that is invoked in the course of another Flow. The invoking Flow may be called the "primary Flow" or the "parent Flow." (Sub-Flows may also be referred to as "child Flows" or "Linked Flows") 
Swim LanesA type of Annotation you can add to your Flows in the Flow Designer. Typically, Swimlanes are used to visually differentiate the main sections of a Flow. 
Sync Flow
A Sub-Flow that pauses the primary Flow while it executes
TaskA discrete piece of work assigned to a User or Group in Decisions. Most commonly, a Task is added to a Flow using the Add Task step.
Text Merge
A way to combine multiple text sources (e.g., constant values + variable values) into a single text value. A common application is to form the body of an email by merging template text with variables such as a name or DOB.
TilesA display mode used in multiple places in Decisions: for example, Tile View for entities in a Designer Folder.
TriggerA property of Steps and Form Controls, a Trigger is a way to launch some action when that Step or Control executes
Truth Table
A kind of Rule that compares combinations of multiple inputs to decide a single outcome
Unit Test
A saved bit of input data used in the debugger for testing (eliminating the need to enter data for each test)
User Defined Type
A custom data structure created by a designer
Value List
A custom data structure in Decisions that builds an enumerated list of values
Visibility Rule
A property on all Form Controls that sets the conditions for whether the Control is visible
WorkflowThe overall business process that Decisions can automate. "Workflow" refers generally to any sequence of actions to accomplish some organizational tasks. A workflow might be referred to as a “Process” or "Application"

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