Loading a Report with Groups Collapsed
  • 24 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Loading a Report with Groups Collapsed

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Article summary


For a Report, there is a feature to have groups collapsed on page load. This can provide a way to control and display only the relevant information needed on a page. This example aims to create a Report where column groups will be collapsed when the Page is loaded.


This example will use an existing Report and a Page with a Report Viewer component. Please navigate to Create a Report and Creating a Page for more information on creating both Decisions objects. Furthermore, please navigate to Adding Charts to A Report for an example of how to Group a Report.
  1. Open the Page in the Page Designer and select the Report Viewer component.
  2.  Under the Properties panel, expand the Behavior section. 
  3.  Under the Grid and Grouping subheaders, check Collapse on Load.
  4. Save the Page.

The Report will now show the grouped columns as collapsed on the Page. Selecting a group will expand and show any items that fit the sorting criteria.

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