Step Glossary Guide
  • 03 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Step Glossary Guide

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Article summary


Steps are the building blocks and points of action within a Flow, designed to execute various out-of-the-box tasks. Though there over 1,500 pre-made steps available, each is named to reflect functionality and is represented visually with an icon. Each step category contains its own folder housing a step glossary and articles describing its steps in more detail. 

This article details the ten most commonly used steps in Decisions. It is highly recommended that any individual learning Decisions familiarizes themselves with these steps.

Furthermore, certain categories in the Step Toolbox are specific to an individual instance meaning these categories do not contain the same steps for all users. These categories are listed in this article as well.

10 Most Common Steps

Step NameDescriptionLocation Inputs/Outputs
Add Task
This step allows user involvement in the process by assigning and displaying a Form. This will halt the Flow until a user completes the task. Deadlines and email responses can be configured.

Forms[Interaction] > Default
Assign To (String), Assignment Name (String), Assignment Action Name (String)  

Depends on the Form created

Create DataCreate or copy data objects (or lists of data objects0. These objects are mapped with the same methods as defining data on the Start step.



Data To Create(PlaceholderData[])


Fetch Entities

Pulls data for a user-defined data type into a Flow. Users may define specific fields and matching criteria via the Fetch Criteria input.

Integration > Entity Framework

Type Name

Extension Type Name

"Results," "No Results"
For Each ElementUsed to create a Flow loop to perform the same actions on each item within a list.

Flow Management
Collection (Object)

Item Index (Int 32)
Log StepRecords debugging level information in a Flow. The logging system uses a log level system and only logs when necessary which makes it very efficient. It is recommended to use the Log Step instead of using Pop-Ups or Email to get information about a Flow's execution.
Flow Management > Debugging

Value (String), Type (LogType), Category (String)

Run Matrix RuleThe Run Matrix Rule step is used to implement a Matrix Rule into a Flow. Matrix Rules are designed to evaluate data based on configured settings for each column or row.

Depends on the Rule created.

Depends on the Rule created.
Run ReportRuns a user-defined Report and outputs the results in the form of Data Rows, CSV File, Report Data, Excel, or PDF.
Integration > Reporting
Report Source (ReportSelectionType).

Data Rows, CSV File, Report Data, Excel, or PDF.
Run RuleUsed to add and use Rules in a Flow. The step allows users to either select from pre-built rules in the Step Panel or create new Rules.
Depends on the Rule created.

Depends on the Rule created.
Run Sub Flow

This step allows users to define a child Flow to be initiated when it reaches it in the parent Flow and it will wait for the child Flow to complete before moving forward in the parent Flow. It separates the business logic so it can easily be reused and/or permissions given to different users.

Depends on the Flow created.

Depends on the Flow created.
Run Truth Table
This step allows users to utilize Truth Tables to evaluate possible outcomes based on different combinations of Input data.  

Depends on the Rule created.

Depends on the Rule created.

Instance Specific Categories

Since these categories do not contain their own default steps, they do not possess their own folder nor a step glossary.

Matrix Rules

Text Merges

User Defined Types

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