Cache Definitions
  • 03 Nov 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Cache Definitions

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Article summary


Cache Steps is the primary way in which Customers will use Caches in Decisions. The primary function of the Cache is to store data temporarily for quicker access in the future.  The most common scenario where Cache is recommended is storing data results from external systems that don’t change the data frequently (e.g. Data received via REST API Calls or from an External Database etc).  Another Scenario where Cache steps are recommended is when fetching data from Flow A to use in Flow B.

Cached data is stored in the App Server Memory and only meant to be temporary. To create a new Cache Definition navigate to System > Administration > Cache.


In the bottom action panel selected ADD. This menu allows you to add different Cache Definitions each having different purposes.


Below is a definition table to help provide information on the different definitions.

Primary Cache Types

These define the actual storage of the Cache.

Cache DefinitionSummary
DatabaseStored in Database Table
FileStored in a File
File DirectoryStored in File Directory
MemoryStored in Memory (RAM)
NoCacheCache Data is not stored anywhere. Its ignored. This is an advanced Cache that is used to exclude certain entities from Cache.
WeakKeeps object in cache unless the object is disposed

Secondary Cache Types

These Caches define Policies on the basis of which the Cache object should be stored in one of the Primary Caches.

Cache DefinitionSummary
AliasThis points to a different cache
PersistentMemoryStores in memory and then stores in DB
SizeCache based on size
TimeTime setting is for maintenance and policy used in this definition is how long data is stored

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