Web Service Steps
  • 14 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Web Service Steps

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version4.0.0
Last Modified in Version7.12.0
LocationIntegration > Web Services

Web Service steps are methods that can be integrated into a Flow. To add a Web Service within the Portal, navigate to the folder System > Integrations > External Services and click the ADD WEB SERVICE REFERENCE button, then supply the necessary details. The steps added to the Flow Designer depend on the Web Service itself; this article will go over the basic settings of the Web Service steps.


Integrate with an External Web Service



PropertyDescriptionData Type
Specify CredentialsAllows for the credentials to be specified within the Flow itself; this will override any credentials set when setting up the Web Service.Boolean

Authentication TypeChoose from Basic Authentication or NTLM Authentication. ---

Get Credentials from Flow DataSetting this to true will allow the UserId and Password to be Inputs on the step, allowing them to be set with dynamic data at runtime.Boolean

UserNameUserName to authenticate the connection.String

PasswordPassword to authenticate the connection.String


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Get URL From DataSetting this to true will allow the Web Service URL to be an Input on the step, allowing it to be set with dynamic data at runtime. ---
Request TimeoutThis allows users to specify a timeout for the request; if the request isn't successfully run in the time specified, the step will fail. Request Timeout is in seconds. ---


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Web Service URL*Only available if the Get URL From Data setting is true. String
UserIdUserId to authenticate the connection.String
PasswordPassword to authenticate the connection.String


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Error MessageProvides a detailed error message based the error that was encountered. String

Related Information

Integration with External Web Services

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