Import Excel or CSV (Runtime Mappings) Step
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Import Excel or CSV (Runtime Mappings) Step

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Article summary


Step Details

Introduced in Version---
Last Modified in Version---
LocationData > Excel and CSV

The Import Excel or CSV step takes in a CSV/Excel file and maps the desired columns to an Object List dynamically at runtime.


Error Handling

PropertyDescriptionData Type
Extra Columns in InputWill provide an error if extra columns are found in the input (Add Outcome: provides an outcome path, Throw Exception will throw an exception on reaching error, Ignore and Continue: will add an outcome path and ignore the error.)---
Less Columns in InputWill provide an error if the columns found are less than expected (Add Outcome: provides an outcome path, Throw Exception will throw an exception on reaching error, Ignore and Continue: add an outcome path and ignore the error.)---
Value Conversion ErrorWill send an error if a value can not be converted (Add Outcome: provides an outcome path, Throw Exception will throw an exception on reaching error, Ignore and Continue: add an outcome path and ignore the error.)---

Import Raw Lines

Data Type
Import Raw LinesAdd data of row into the specified field---

Into PropertySpecify the mapped data field---

Input Data

PropertyDescriptionData Type
Input File TypeDefines what the data type of the input file is---
Start On RowDefines what row to input data fromInt32
Worksheet IndexSpecifies the starting point of the dataInt32

Output Data

PropertyDescriptionData Type
Output Data TypeDefines the output data type---


PropertyDescriptionData Type
File DataThe CSV or Excel fileFileData
MappingMapping dataList of DynamicCSVMapping


PropertyDescriptionData Type

Imported DataReturns the data that was successfully importedList of [Data Type]
Extra Columns Error

Actual Columns NumberReturns the number of columnsInt32

Input LineReturns the input line or errorInt32

Line NumberReturns the line number of errorInt32
Less Columns Error

Actual Columns NumberReturns the number of columns

Input LineReturns the input line or error

Line NumberReturns the line number of error
Value Conversion Error

Column NumberReturns the column number of errorInt32

Error MessageReturns the error messageString

Input LineReturns the input line or error

Line NumberReturns the line number of error

Source ValueReturns what the source value isString

Target TypeReturns the expected data typeString

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Dynamic Excel Creation

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