Create Azure Blob Container
  • 22 Jan 2025
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Create Azure Blob Container

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version4.0.0
Last Modified in Version9.4.0
LocationIntegration > Azure Storage

The Create Azure Blob Container step provides a way to create an Azure Blob Container using a Flow. Creating an Azure Blob container is the first step in using Azure Blob Storage. A container is a logical unit of storage that can hold multiple blobs (which are essentially files).


This step requires the Azure module to be installed before it will be available in the toolbox. In addition, the step will require the connection string from an Azure Storage account in order to create the container.



PropertyDescriptionData Type
TimeoutThis property allows Users to set the Network Timeout Period. ---


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Connection StringThe connection string for an Azure Storage account. This can be located by navigating to the Storage Account within the Azure Portal, then selecting Shared access signature to create and display the connection string.String
Container NameThe name of the container. This name may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens and must begin with a letter or a number. Each hyphen must be preceded and followed by a non-hyphen character. The name must also be between 3 and 63 characters long.String


PropertyDescriptionData Type

Error MessageThe string returned if there are any errors when creating the Azure Blob String
Container Was Created

Container Was CreatedThe boolean value returned if the container was successfully createdBoolean

Example Inputs and Outputs

Connection StringContainer NameOutput
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[AccountName];AccountKey=[AccountKey]=; message returned, Container was Created = true
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[AccountName];AccountKey=[AccountKey]=;!Error Message: "The specified resource name contains invalid characters"
Null valueexamplecontainerError Message: "Value cannot be null"
Empty StringexamplecontainerError Message: "Value cannot be null"
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[AccountName];AccountKey=[AccountKey]=; message returned, Container was Created = true
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[AccountName];AccountKey=[AccountKey]=; ValueError Message: "Value cannot be null"

Common Errors

The specified resource name contains invalid characters

The following message will appear if the Container Name input contains any invalid characters that do not follow Azure's resource naming restrictions. Ensure that the name of the resource is valid.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Added the Network Timeout property to all Azure Storage Steps. 9.4November 6, 2024[DT-042418]

Related Information

Azure Storage Module

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