Using Simple ORM Objects
  • 15 Mar 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Using Simple ORM Objects

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Article summary


The Decisions SDK allows developers to work with the ORM, a feature for storing and retrieving entities in the main Decisions database.  

For more information on what the Decisions SDK offers, click here
This example uses a MyCustomer class that is available to download below. For more information on creating ORM, the ORM Base Classes, and Objects, review ORM Basics.

The ORM class and DynamicORM class represent access to ORM storage. The difference between the two is that the ORM class adds multiple typesafe methods.  Below is an example of each class.


ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
MyCustomer mc= orm.Fetch("11223");


DynamicORM orm = new DynamicORM();
IORMEntity e = orm.Fetch(typeof (MyCustomer), "11223");
MyCustomer mc = (MyCustomer) e;


The examples below use the ORM class.

Fetching an object by ID

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
MyCustomer mc = orm.Fetch("11223");

Fetching an object with where conditions

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
MyCustomer[] mc = orm.Fetch(new WhereCondition[] {new FieldWhereCondition("first name", QueryMatchType.StartsWith, "J"), });

Storing an object

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
orm.Store(new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "Joe"});

Storing multiple objects

A list can be stored using the Store() method. 

ORM<MyCustomerAccount> orm = new ORM<MyCustomerAccount>();
orm.Store(new MyCustomer[]
new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "Joe"},
new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "John"}

A list can also be stored using the BatchInsert() method.

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
orm.BatchInsert(new MyCustomer[] 
new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "Joe"}
new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "John"}

Saving only specific fields on an object

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
orm.Store(new MyCustomer() {FirstName = "Joe"}, false, false, "first_name", "last_name");
There are other parameters that can be used that include store relationships, process before and after save methods, and fields to save.

Seeing if an entity exists

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
if (orm.Exists("12234"))
   // do something

Getting a count of entities

ORM<MyCustomer> orm = new ORM<MyCustomer>();
long count = orm.GetCount();

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