How to Use Rule Audit History
  • 17 Nov 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Use Rule Audit History

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Article summary


Rule Audit history is used to view a rule history, such as rule names that ran and the results that followed.
To set up a rule Audit History Report begin in the flow that a rule is in. Select the rule and navigate to the Properties panel, under Audit select the checkbox for Capture Audit History. When this checkbox is selected, three new inputs to the rule are now visible: Rule Audit Folder ID, Rule Audit ID and Rule Audit Name. These inputs don't need to have information mapped into it in order to store the audit history. Although, if they are mapped they can be used to filter a report by quickly reporting on a certain process or filter for certain rules.

Most often the Rule Audit History is displayed in a report. Within a report select Rule Audit History as the Data Source. This will work as a normal report so it can be filtered by Time and Field Names. This report will show multiple Data Fields relating to the audit.


Phrase Rule Audit History function the as Rule Audit History in regards to its appearance in the Report Designer when its data source is selected. The main difference is the Phrase Rule Audit History captures more than just the result. It will audit the anchor data and the data values that were used in the rule. 

Phrase Audit History Dependency
In order to get Phrase Rule Audit History to work, the Rule Audit History check box must be set to true.

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