Usage Logs
  • 23 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Usage Logs

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Article summary


Usage Logs provide information on minute-by-minute Logs of Flow Executions, API calls, Job Executions, etc. of the Primary Instance. This information is used to see how much memory is being used and what is executing and using that memory. Each time frame in the Usage Log shows the different Decision Entities that are being executed and the corresponding amount of memory usage. The following document discusses how to access and view these Usage Logs and the columns found within them.


Usage logs can be found at C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\Logs. They are called "Primary.shmcc".


The image below exemplifies how Usage Logs look in different programs.

Users can use any text editor/google excel to view this file. The images below are on Notepad++ and Google excels view; these represent the same file.


Below is a table that describes the columns within a Usage Log file.

Column NameDescription
WHENTime Frame for the recorded period.
CPUThe current amount of CPU used.
Flow StartThe number of topmost Flows started. This count does NOT include Sub Flows that are called from the Parent Flow unless it is called via the Async Linked Flow step which causes them to essentially be topmost Flows themselves. Sub flows are counted as FlowStepStarts.

Flow Step StartThe number of steps executed in the topmost Flows and all steps in any Sub Flows that are called (regardless of if they are called Sync or Async).
API CallsThe number of API calls made between specified Time. Internal API Calls that are made from UI to SHM are also included in this count. Includes any API calls (generated rest and web service steps, custom coded steps that call APIs)
Rule ExecutionsThe number of Rule Executions that were executed between the specified Time.
Job StartsThe number of Scheduled Jobs that started between the specified Time. This also includes background Jobs that run in Decisions.
Thread Job StartThese are used internally to run procedures. The Amount started between a specified Time.
AllocatedMemoryMemory allocated for processing between specified Time;  Currently allocated memory.
Used MemoryActual memory usage between specified Time; currently used memory.
User CountThe number of users logged into Decisions between specified Time; Currently Active Sessions.


As an additional method/tool used for troubleshooting Server performance issues, the Logs Folder provides both the Primary.UseDetails and Primary.Usage.CSV files.
The following files function as such:

  • Primary.Usage.CSV file shows execution counts in the form of a spreadsheet, displaying When (Date/Time) the execution occurs, Count for each Typeand the amount of CPU used.

  • Primary.UsageDetails breaks down each execution by displaying the Type of execution, its Name, its Count, and the Date/Time execution occurred. This includes: 
    • API and execution count
    • Flow starts and Execution count
    • Rule Starts and Execution count

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