Type As Lookup List
  • 12 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Type As Lookup List

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Article summary


Lookup lists are used to search for specific data that can be accessed and used within a Flow or a Rule.


Default Text Length
The default setting for all text stored in the database is 255 characters, but the Designer can modify this using the Changing Default Text Length Settings article.

In this example, create a Database Structure and use it as a Lookup List in a simple Rule.

  1. Begin in the Designer Folder and select DATATYPES/INTEGRATIONS > User Defined Types > Database Structure on the Global Action Bar.


  2. In the Database Structure window, name the Structure. 
  3. Then, define the data fields: First Name, Last Name, and Car
  4. Check the Is Lookup List checkbox. This enables the ability to reference the Database Structure. Then, provide a name for the Lookup List Category value. 
  5. On the Car property, select the Is Lookup List Key Field checkbox.
    About Is Lookup List Key Field 
    The validation message shows that there needs to be a single field for the lookup description.

  6. For this example, create three records in the Database Table.
  7. To do this, Generate a Data Form by selecting the SimpleDataStructure.

  8. Create a Flow that has this Form and a CreateNamesAndCars step.
  9. Map the output of the Form to the input of the CreateNamesAndCars steps.
    Learn more about Creating Your First Flow.

  10. Back in the Designer Folder, create a simple Rule to demonstrate how to use Defined Type as a Lookup List. 
  11. Select Create Rule > Create Rule in the Folder Actions Panel. 
  12. Name the Rule and select CREATE to proceed to the Rule Designer.


  13. On the top of the screen, select Setup Input Data. The Rule Input Name is "Car," and its Type is String
  14. Select CLOSE to save and continue.

  15. Back in the Rule Designer, choose Select Data Element.
  16. Choose Car and select NEXT.

  17. In the Verb definition window, pick Equals and select NEXT.

  18. In the value window, use Select Value mapping type and select Pick.

  19. In the resulting window, expand the Names And Cars lookup list. All available properties from the Simple Data Structure will show here. 
  20. Expand a property, pick a car and select DONE.
  21. This completes the Rule Phrase. Select DONE to save and continue. 


  1. Select Debug on the top panel of the Rule Designer to test the Rule.
  2. In the Rule Debugger, define Car and select Run.

  3. The Rule evaluates True.

Lookup List Categories 

Users can access data created for Lookup Lists from the Flow Designer by expanding each Lookup List's respective Lookup List Category in the Data Explorer tab. These Categories are created after enabling the Is Lookup List box and providing a name in the Lookup List Category box.

If two or more different Lookup Lists are provided the same Lookup List Category, they will be placed under the Folder for that specific Category but separated by Structure Type Name

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