System Settings Overview (settings.xml)
  • 23 Mar 2022
  • 4 Minutes to read
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System Settings Overview (settings.xml)

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The system settings are stored in the settings.xml file which can be found at C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager in the Decisions file system library using a PC file explorer. The table below gives a brief overview of some of these settings and their respective function. Most settings use a boolean value of true or false to indicate enabled or disabled, this specification is noted on the applicable settings below. 

LogFileMaxSize(Number in bytes, Default 10485760) Maximum size of a Log file before Decisions rolls over to a new file. The maximum size is maximum Int32 value i.e. 2,147,483,647 bytes aka 2.14 GB
LogMaxBackups(Number, Default 10) The maximum number of Log files to keep.
LogSqlStatementsTakingMoreThanSeconds(Number in seconds, Default 5) If an SQL statement exceeds this number of seconds, then it will be logged to the Log file to help find performance problems.
LogAPICallsTakingMoreThanSeconds(Number in Seconds, Default 5) If an API call exceeds this number of seconds, then it will be logged to the Log file to help find performance problems.
LogFlowStepsTakingMoreThanMilliseconds(Number in Milliseconds, Default 1000) If Flow execution exceeds this number of milliseconds to execute the step, then it will be logged to the Log file to help find performance problems.
LogFatal(true / false) Determines whether or not Fatal-level errors from the Decisions environment be recorded to the Decisions log file.
LogError(true / false) Determines whether or not Error-level errors from the Decisions environment be recorded to the Decisions log file. 
LogWarn(true / false) Determines whether or not Warn-level errors from the Decisions environment be recorded to the Decisions log file. 
LogDebug(true / false) Determines whether or not debugging information from the Decisions environment be recorded to the Decisions log file. 
EnableWSHttp(true / false) Settings for WSHttp
EnableNetTcp(true / false) Settings for NetTcp
EnableNamedPipe(true / false) Settings for NamedPipe
DoNotRestartOnDataStructureChanges(true / false) Should Decisions restart when Data Structures are changed
EnableCommunicationCompression(true / false) Compression for communication between Services Manager back-end and Silverlight front end
GenerateDataStructureAssemblyDebugInfo(true / false) Decisions platform creates code assemblies at runtime for user-generated types and integrations that are created in the tool.  These assemblies can be created with or without additional debugging information. It is recommended to leave these settings off unless you are having a problem.
GenerateServiceClientsAssemblyDebugInfo(true / false) Decisions platform creates code assemblies at runtime for user-generated types and integrations that are created in the tool.  These assemblies can be created with or without additional debugging information. It is recommended to leave these off unless you are having a problem.
IpcChannelPort(Number) Port number for Silverlight client to work.
DefaultAccountEmailAddress(String email, default ) Default account Email address.
SendErrorsTo(String, Email address) Email Address to send Log files to.
AutoStartProfiler(true / false) Capture session by the profiler.
AutoProfileApiThresholdInSeconds(Number in Seconds, Default -1) Turns off the profiler when any API call takes more than this number of seconds.
AutoProfileTimespanInSeconds(Number in Seconds, Default 600) Time that the profiler runs before stops.
InitializationEndPointConfiguration settings for WCF Services hosted out of Decisions Service Host Manager.
MaxReceivedMessageSizeMax Received Message Size for a Single WCF Call.
MaxArrayLengthMax Size of an Array for a Single WCF Call.
MaxStringContentLenthMax length of string content, set to 1048576 (1 MB)
ReceiveTimeoutSeconds(Number in Seconds, Default 600) Timeout for single WCF Call.
HostHost Address for the WCF Service Endpoint.
PortPort for the WCF Service Endpoint.
SecurityMode(String value, Default None) Available options: None (No Security), Transport ( Used with SSL  ) , Message, TransportWithMessageCredential, TransportCredentialOnly.
DatabaseConnectString(Connection string encrypted) The connection string to Decisions database. May be changed. After changes will be automatically encrypted. Typically defined while Decisions Installation.
SecondaryDatabaseConnectString(Connection string encrypted) The secondary connection string to Decisions database. May be changed. After changes will be automatically encrypted.
DataBaseType(String, Default MSSQL) Available options: MSSQL, AzureSQL, SQLlocaldb. Defined while Decisions Installation and not recommended to be changed.
WatcherSocketPort(Number) Port for Watcher Service.
PortalBaseUrl(String, URL) URL to the Portal. Defined during Installation.
ServerAdministratorEmail(String email, Default ) There is an action in Decisions called 'Send Logs to Support' and there's an action called 'Send Notification to Server Admin'  these actions are used by users to report problems and get help. The email in this setting is the target of these notifications.
MailMail Settings for the Decisions application to send email notifications to users and workflow task assignees.
ServerName(String) Server Name.
ServerHeartBeatIntervalInSeconds(Number in seconds, Default 5) Heartbeat Interval.
SessionExpirationTimeInHours(Number in hours, Default 5) The expiration time for the Session.
SocketsAddress(String IP, Default Address for Socket
SocketsPort(Number) Port number for Socket
SendWakeUpUsingOneWayCall(true / false)
UseTimeZoneTranslation(true / false) Should Time Zones be Translated.
UseClientFastCall(true / false) Client/Server fast call.
UseGPUAcceleration(true / false) Whether to use a graphics processor unit (GPU) hardware acceleration for cached compositions, which potentially results in graphics optimization.
ShowUnhandledExceptionDialog(true / false) Enable or Disable showing Error window when Unhandled Exception caught
SplashScreenText(String, Default: Decisions OS is Loading...) Text that is being shown when Portal is loading or reloading.
ProductTitle(String) Product Title
(String IP, Default IP Addresses for machines allowed to access Decisions.
(String IP, Default IP Addresses for machines not allowed to access Decisions.
UserIdCaseSensitive(true / false) Case sensitivity for User Name on login.
ControlInstanceEndpointsConfiguration settings for WCF Services hosted out of Decisions Service Host Manager
AlterDBCommandTimeoutSeconds(Number in Seconds, Default 120) Timeout for modifying the database.
LogCheckFieldTypes(true / false) Should Field Types checking to be logged into the Log file.
DefaultDatabaseQueryTimeout(Number in Seconds, Default 60) The time before the database query fails.
DefaultInstanceName(String, Default: Primary) The default name for the installed Decisions' instance.
Setting that prioritizes specific services that are immediately needed and load other services on demand to reduce initial overhead/system strain. Specific priority services can be toggled.
DisableAutoSSOSignInParameterThis setting disables the Login Page SSO Bypass URL; setting this parameter to false allows users to log into an SSO environment using ?AutoSSOSignIn=false in the URL. If the value is set to true, this parameter will not work; instead, users will be redirected to the SSO page to sign in.

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