Manage Files on Amazon S3
  • 14 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Files on Amazon S3

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Article summary


The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Module allows users to manage files on the AWS S3 cloud-based storage. The AWS module provides pre-built Flow steps that allow users to store or delete files on the Amazon S3 file storage system.


Step Names

Use the region code instead of the region name. Region codes can be found in AWS documentation.

Create Folder

The Create Folder step allows a user to add a folder to Amazon S3 to store files into.

Input ParameterDescription
BucketName of bucket in S3
FolderDesired folder name

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Delete File From S3

The Delete File From S3 allows a user to remove a specified file from Amazon S3.

Input ParameterDescription
BucketName of the bucket in S3
KeyKey for the specified file

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Get Client

The Get Client step allows a user to get the client information based on the region.

Input ParameterDescription

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Get File Contents

The Get File Contents step allows a user to get the file information of a specified file.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of bucket in S3
FIle NameThe full file name of the specified file

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Get File From S3 And Store At

The Get FIle From S3 And Store At step allows a user to retrieve a file from S3 and store it.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of bucket in S3
File NameThe full file name
Local File to Storelocal file to store

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

List Objects

The List Objects step allows a user to list the options in the Amazon S3.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3

List Objects with Text Prefix

The List Objects with Text Prefix step allows a user to list the objects in AMazon S3 with the specified text prefix.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
PrefixText prefix

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Put File In S3 From File Location 

The Put File In S3 From File Location allows a user to add a file to S3 from a specified local file storage location.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
File Name To StoreFIle name to store in S3
Path To File On Workflow ServerFull path to file

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Put File In S3 From File Location With ACL 

The Put File In S3 From File Location With ACL allows a user to add a file with ACL in S3 from the file location.

Input ParameterDescription
AclAccess control list
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
FolderDesired name of the folder

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Put File In S3 With ACL

The Put FIle In S3 WIth ACL allows a user to put a specified file in S3 with ACL.

Input ParameterDescription
ACLAccess control list
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
FileThe desired file to upload
File Name to StoreFile name for the file to store

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Put File In S3 

The Put File In S3 steps allows a user to add a specified file to S3.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
FileFile to upload
File Name To StoreFilename to use to store

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Set ACL On File 

The Set ACL On FIle step allows a user to set the ACL permission on a specified file.

Input ParameterDescription
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
Canonical User IdThe user's canonical user is

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

Set Canned ACLOn File

The Set Canned ACL On File allows a user to set canned ACL wrapper on a specified file.

Input ParameterDescription
ACLTo SetAccess Control List to set on file
Bucket NameName of the bucket in S3
File NameFilename of the specified file

DisplayNameRegion name

RegionSystemNameRegion code

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