Setting Up a New Language
  • 20 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Setting Up a New Language

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Article summary


As means of aiding in localization, a Translation String can be added to the Master Translation List in Decisions. This Translation String is used in conjunction with Language Settings and the Translate action to translate it to another language.


To add and set up a new Language: 
  1. From the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > System Data > Languages > Master Translation List.
  2. From the Master Translation List, click the Add String To Translate button on the bottom toolbar.
  3. From the New string translation pop-up, enter the desired text for translation., then click ADD.
  4. Navigate to System > System Data > Languages. Then, click the Add Language button on the bottom toolbar.
  5. From the New Language window, input the desired Language Name, then click ADD LANGUAGE. 
  6. From the Languages Folder, navigate to the newly added Language. Then, locate and right-click the desired String in the For String column, and click Set Translation
  7. From the New string translation window, provide the translated text, then click SAVE.
    Translation in Decisions is a manual process. Before inputting a translated String, consult a translator to provide an accurate translation. 

    After saving the translation, the newly translated text can be will display in the Translated String, next to its For String value. 

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