Searching the Decisions Environment
  • 25 Jan 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Searching the Decisions Environment

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Article summary


Decisions includes a powerful search engine to streamline locating content. The search engine offers results from every location in the environment, with useful information included about location and object type. 

The Action Menu is accessible directly from the search results list, the menu will be specific to the element that is selected. For example, a right-click on a Flow in the search results will show standard Flow actions (Edit, Run, Preview, Manage, etc.). Performing a left-click on the item in the search results will redirect the user to that item in Decisions. The keyword search will pick up on names of Designer Elements and Data Types alike, in addition to any Tags that have been configured on an object.

Folder-level search is available from any Page View (LIST, TILES, COLUMNS, etc.) of the target Folder by selecting the three toggles icon. This will perform a search on anything in the Folder or Sub-Folders of where the base search occurs. 

This search can pertain to specific columns or all columns in the Page view. Once search criteria are entered, select the APPLY button to see the results. There are other options to filter the data shown in the Page Report, like options to sort or group by specific parameters.

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