SDK: Rule Behavior
  • 25 Jan 2022
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SDK: Rule Behavior

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Article summary

Version 7.x .NET Architecture Change

IRuleBehavior, much like IFlowBehavior allows for the customization of the behavior of the rule editor.

 public interface IRuleBehavior
    string Name { get; }

    bool IsUserSettable { get; }

    string RewriteSubject(Rule r, string subject);
    string RewriteVerb(Rule r, string verb);
    string RewritePredicate(Rule r, IRuleStep step, DataDescription anchorData, IInputMapping[] mappings, string predicate);
    DataDescription[] ProcessTreeInputDeclaration(Rule r, string path, DataDescription[] inputs);
    DataDescription[] ProcessStepInputDeclaration(RuleStep step, DataDescription[] inputs);
    DataDescription[] ProcessInputDeclaration(Rule r, DataDescription[] inputData);
    FlowStepToolboxInformation[] ProcessSteps(Rule r, DataDescription anchorData, string[] nodes, FlowStepToolboxInformation[] steps);
    ValidationIssue[] RunRuleValidation(Rule rule);
    void ProcessInputValues(Rule r, FlowStateData data);

    string OverrideDebugUIClassName { get; }
    string OverrideRunUIClassName { get; }

    AllowUserToEditRuleInputData { get; }

    void OnBehaviorAssigned(Rule r);

    bool CanChangeBehavior { get; }

    bool CanChangeRuleType { get; }

    bool AllowDirectServiceCall { get; }


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