Running a Flow using an Alias
  • 30 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Running a Flow using an Alias

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Article summary


It is possible to run a Flow, either as a service or by showing Forms and Decisions user interface in a web browser, just by accessing its URL. This URL can be used to allow the execution of the workflow from a browser or as a service.  The URL can be lengthy, and one way to make it more user-friendly is to create an alias.

An alias is a short, user-defined name for a Flow that can replace a FlowID. The FlowID is the unique ID generated by the system to identify the Flow. Typically, to run a Flow using a URL, a user must include a FlowID. However, it is possible to make this easier by replacing the FlowID with user-defined alias.

Learn how to Run a Flow from a URL.

To create an alias for a Flow, select the Flow's thumbnail and select Edit > Advanced > Create Alias from its Action menu. Flows with aliases can be run with the URL, [ .]

When accessing a Flow via its URL (alias or not), the Portal will prompt for a login unless the Flow is running under the Guest account. However, the full Portal will not load; only the Flow itself.


Begin the example with the assumption that a Flow has already been created to run in a browser window.  This example alias will make it possible to operate this Flow through a more convenient URL than the system default

  1. To create an alias, select the Flow, then select Edit > Advanced > Create URL Alias from its Action menu.
  2. Enter any name to use as an Alias. In this example, use "Example_Flow_Alias" and select Save.
  3. Right-click the Flow and navigate to Run[Advanced] > Integration > View Integration Details.
  4. For Refer Flow By, select Alias.
  5. Select Show Service API to generate a URL with the Alias instead of the FlowID.

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