List to CSV Mapping Step
  • 06 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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List to CSV Mapping Step

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Article summary


The List to CSV Mapping step can be used to populate a CSV or Excel file with data from a user-defined List. The following example demonstrates how to utilize a Flow that fetches a List of Accounts in the Decisions environment, and Outputs the List as a CSV File.


  1. From a Designer Folder, select the CREATE FLOW button from the Global Action Bar, then CREATE a new Flow.
  2. In the Flow Designer, from the Favorite Steps category in the Steps tab, attach a Fetch Entities step to the Start step. Connect the No Results path to the End step. 
  3. From the Properties of the Fetch Entities step, under Entity Fetch Definition, Search for and select the desired Type Name from the drop-down list (for this example, Account). 
  4. From Steps > Integration > Excel and CSV, attach a List to CSV Mapping step to the Results path of the Fetch Entities step. Then connect the Done path to the End step. 
  5. From the Properties of the List to CSV Mapping step, map EntityResults to Inputs > INPUTS. Then click Show Item Mapping Editor
  6. From the Mapping Editor, set Inputs > ITEM to Build Data. From the resulting Specified Data dropdown, select the elipses button next to Properties.
  7. From the Edit window, select the desired Fields from the SelectProperties options; for this example select Field01-03, then click OK.
  8. Expand _INPUT on the left side of the screen. Then click and drag each desired Property to the desired FIeld. For this example, drag  FirstName to Field01, LastName to Field02, and EmailAddress to Field03. Then click OK.
    About Mapping Editor
    The Mapping Editor is used to map the desired data Values to specific Columns of the Output CSV File

  9. Back in the Properties of the List to CSV Mapping step, if desired, check the Output Header Row. Then provide the desired Header Row Number

    About Output Header Row
    The Output Header Row Property is used to add Headers to the CSV File that is Output by the List to CSV Mapping step. Enabling this Property provides users with access to the Header Row Number and Fields Inputs.

    Header Row Number allows the user to define which Row they want the Header to appear on; this number starts from the Index of "1".

  10. Under Inputs > Fields, change the mapping to Constant, then click Add New. From the resulting window, define the Field Value, then click OK. 

    About Fields Input
    The Fields Input allows users to define how the Header Row appears in the CSV File.

    • Is Bold: Bolds the text in the Header Row cells.
    • Percent Increase In Font Size: Increases the size of the Header text. 
    • Title Setup: Dictates what text appears in the Header Row. 
    • Column Width: Defines the width of the Column containing the Header Row. 

  11. Save the Flow, then if desired Close the Flow Designer. 


  1. From the Flow Designer, select the Debug link from the top Action Bar
  2. Click FULL. 
  3. Select View Input/Output Data on the List to CSV Mapping step. 
  4. Verify that the Flow has created a CSV File.

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