Form Expiration and Auto Resume
  • 25 Apr 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Form Expiration and Auto Resume

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Article summary


The Expiration and Auto Resume Form properties allow Forms to be suspended, tasked for continuation, and automatically resolved with specified Flow outcomes.

To define an expiration or auto-resumption delay for a Form, in the Flow Designer, go to the Properties panel and configure the Form's expiration in the Auto Resume section auto-resumption settings. 

Configuring Form Timeout

A Form's timeout setting, the Keep Active Time Span setting, resides in the Properties of its parent Flow accessible via the Flow Designer. InSession Forms timeout after thirty minutes of inactivity by default, but this may be further configured.


This example Flow will consist of a Form with an auto-resume delay of 10 seconds and an auto-resume expiration of 20 seconds. If a user opens a Form but remains idle for a period of 10 seconds, the Form will be assigned to the current user to be completed later. If the resulting Assignment is not handled within another 20 seconds, the time period to auto-resume will expire, and the Flow will be completed along its sole outcome path. 

Create A Form First
Before creating the 'Expiration and Resume Flow,' configure a Form with a 'Textbox' and a 'Button.'
  1. Select the Create Flow button while in a Designer Project Folder. 
  2. In the Create Flow dialog, enter a name for the Flow and select CREATE.
  3. In the Flow Designer's Toolbox, drag and drop a Show Form step into the workspace. 

  4. Pick the Form that was created earlier.

  5. Connect the outcome paths in the flow.

  6. Select the Form in the workspace. In the Properties panel, select the Make Auto Resume checkbox set to true in the Auto Resume section. When this checkbox is selected, additional options display below it.
  7. Under the Make Auto Resume Delay section, find controls for configuring the duration and type of delay, which will produce an auto-resume save point.
    When a user opens a Form but remains idle for the duration set here, the system creates a message on the user's My Home page in this user's Tasks list. This message reminds the user that the Form needs completion and provides a link to resume working on the form from where the user left off.
  8. For this example, in the Make Auto Resume Delay section, select Constant in the Mapping Type drop-down list.  In the Value section, enter "10" in the Seconds field.
  9. In the Expiration section, select the Auto Resume Expires checkbox. When this checkbox is selected, additional options display below it. Additionally, a new path appears on the Form in the workspace: Auto Resume Timeout.
  10. For this example, in the Expiration section, in the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Constant. In the Value section, enter "20" in the Seconds field. This means the user has 20 seconds to complete and submit the Form.
  11. In the Expire Type drop-down list, select an option that determines when the auto-resume duration expires. Leave the default value, FollowOutcomePath, indicating that an expired form will automatically follow the flow's selected outcome path.
  12. Connect the Auto Resume Timeout outcome path to the End Step.
  13. Save and close the Flow Designer.


  1. Select the Flow thumbnail and select Run > Run Flow from its Action menu.
  2. After the Form has been idle for 10 seconds, a notification will be received that the task of completing the Form has been assigned. If the Form is not complete and submitted in 20 seconds, the Form's auto-resume expiration will expire. The Flow will then follow the Auto Resume Timeout path to the End Step, completing the Flow.
  3. Navigate to the Inbox in the Design Studio; when the Flow is complete, the assignment will be removed from the Inbox.

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