File Type Overview
  • 14 Jul 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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File Type Overview

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Article summary


Files can be handled by Decisions in a number of ways. One such way is as data that can be handled by a Flow. Another is in the form of reference that Decisions can refer to from the local File System. Further, users may want to store this File as an object within the Decisions Folder Tree.
As a way to increase productivity/provide these methods of handling, Files exist in Decisions in three Primary forms: File Data, File References, and File Reference Entities. The following document discusses the differences and uses for each of these File Types

File Data

File Data is the Data Type used by Decisions for File handling. This data is stored as a Byte Array within a Flow. This data is handled as a part of the Flow's data and increases the overall size of the Flow's data.

By using a Create Data step, or by defining Input/Output Data as File Data, users are able to utilize Files within their Workflows

The File Data Data Type stores the following information on the File to provide assistance when processing/referring to the File within a Flow: 

  • Id: The Id for which the File is stored under. 
  • FileName: The String value for the imported File's name. 
  • Length: A numerical value denoting the length of the File's Byte Array. 
  • FileType: String used to identify the Type of File. 
Additional Information Regarding File Data 
Note that when File Data is utilized, the Flow is passing through the entire File.

For more information and examples utilizing File Data, see:

File Reference 

File References are used to increase efficiency and reduce the amount of data consumed by the Flow engine. This is accomplished by allowing Decisions to reference Files that are stored on the File System, rather than within the directly in the Flow. This allows users to pass a File into Decisions only when it is needed. 

Utilizing a Load From File Data step allows users the ability to create File Reference that can be used within a Flow to reference a File on a Local System. This in turn can be used as Input for an element such as a File Download Form Component

Additional Information on File References 
File References are an effective way to handle larger Files in Decisions.

For more information regarding File References see File References.

File Reference Entity 

File Reference Entities are an extension of the File Reference DataType. File Reference Entities exhibit the same behavior of File References but provide the File Reference a Folder context. 

This means the File Reference exists within the Decisions Studio/Portal via a Folder, Designer Project, etc...

This can be achieved by utilizing an Add FileReferences to Folder step.

Additional Information on File Reference Entities 
The Folder context for File Reference Entities is provided by their Entity Reference Id.

For more information regarding File Reference Entities, see File Reference Entity.

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