HL7 Module Overview
  • 20 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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HL7 Module Overview

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Article summary

Module Details

Core or Github ModuleCore
Restart Required No 
Steps ExposedYes
Step Location HL7
Settings Location Settings are configured and defined for each interface

The HL7 Module adds functionality to Decisions for users to send, receive, transform, and manage HL7 messages. 

HL7 is a specification for allowing medical software and hardware systems to communicate with one another. 

The module provides users with an interface that includes Receivers, Emitters, and Processing HL7 messages.

After the module is installed, a new folder will appear called HL7 Interfaces. This folder contains an action to add new HL7 Interfaces.

Adding an HL7 Interface

To add an HL7 Interface, select the HL7 Interface folder. In the Action bar, select the ADD HL7 INTERFACE action. Define the settings and select OK.

HL7 Interface

NameThe name of the interface
DescriptionA short description which can be provided for the interface


EnabledDetermines whether the added HL7 interface will be enabled/disabled

Message Parsing

Strict Parsing ModeIf enabled, messages will be parsed only using strict HL7 guidelines
Generic (No Rules) Parsing ModeIf enabled, all messages will be parsed regardless of order. 
Only Allow Specific Message TypesIf enabled, selects which message types are allowed to be received and processed in the Flow.


Receiving Message Storage ModeThis setting configures how messages are stored when being received by Decisions. There are currently four options, None, Header, Full, FullBatched
Sending Message Storage ModeThis setting configures how messages are stored when being sent by Decisions. There are currently four options, None, Header, Full, FullBatched

Understanding the Interface Components

The HL7 Interface in Decisions is comprised of three essential parts, Receivers, Processers, and Emitters. These components must be configured for each interface. 

Interface ComponentDescription
ReceiversGet HL7 messages from a defined source through a TCP/IP connection, through the File System, or retrieved by a Flow. 
ProcessersApplies Rules, data transformations, assign tasks and workflows using the data that was sent. With every interface created, an automatic Designer Project is created where users can build workflows and Rules. These workflows allow users to process messages and make use of the data within the messages. This is where business logic is applied to the HL7 data stream. The process Flows are found under LIST. (Pre Process Flow, Process Flow, Post Process Flow)
EmittersSend HL7 messages out to another system that is waiting to receive messages. These messages can be sent by TCP/IP connection, through the File System, or as a redirect to HL7 Interface

Using Flow Receivers

A Flow Receiver can use any of the Flow steps and external system integration capabilities to get data. Flow Receivers can receive messages from different sources such as databases, networks, web services, email, and more. 
If a Flow Receiver is used, a Flow Emitter cannot be used. This is because a user can manipulate and send the messages directly from the Process Flow.

Supported Message Types

The HL7 Module supports most standard message types and interfaces. Once the module is installed, a list of supported HL7 message types can be located under System > Designers > Data Structures > Decisions HL7. Supported message types can also be viewed when Only Allow Specific Message Types is enabled for an interface, as it lists all supported message types.

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