Azure Services Module Overview
  • 08 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Azure Services Module Overview

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Article summary

Module Details

Installation LocationCore Module
Requires Restart? No
Step Location Integration > Amazon AWS
Settings Location System > Settings > Azure Settings
  • Active AWS Account and Application


Azure Services aka the Azure Service Bus is a messaging system module that allows Decisions to integrate application-to-application communication. 

Azure Services Queue settings are available and can be configured after the installation. 


This example will demonstrate how to configure the Azure Services Module.

  1. Navigate to System > Jobs and Events > Message Queues. Click ADD AZURE QUEUE.

  2. On the Add Azure Queue window, configure the options with the correct information. When complete, click SAVE.
    Configuration OptionsFunction 
    Display NameThis is the name that will appear for this message queue in the Decisions environment.
    Messaging TypeSets the messaging type (Queue or Subscription to Topic)
    Queue NameThis is the actual name of the queue as it is configured on the messaging server.
    Session IDThe session ID of the user
    Custom Connection StringThis can be used to configure a string that tells Decisions where and how to connect to the Azure message bus server. The connection string can be obtained from the Azure configuration console

  3. To verify connectivity, right-click the Queue, select Control, and click Test Queue. When complete a popup will display the number of messages.
    Control OptionsFunction 
    Resync QueueRecreates the message queues if necessary and re-synchronizes with the message server.
    Start QueueStarts processing messages on the message queues (if stopped).
    Stop QueueStops processing messages on the message queues and the message server will hold any unprocessed messages.

Message Handler 

Adding a message handler to the message queue offers configurable options for how received messages are handled in the queue. 

Message Queue Handler Flow

The Message Queue Handler Flow template can be accessed by clicking PICK OR CREATE HANDLER FLOW and selecting CREATE or navigating to Flow > Advanced after selecting the CREATE FLOW button in a Designer Project. 

Selecting this Flow template automatically creates a Message Queue Handler Flow. Because of this, the Flow has two special inputs called HandlerId and Message

The Handler ID is used to identify that a message is received with the message server and the Message is used as the payload field that contains raw data for message contents.

Building a Message Handler Flow will require different steps that are contingent on the content of the message being formatted. Formats from simple text to XML/JSON have different steps that are used when it comes to extracting the contents of a message. Once the appropriate steps have been configured with message handling logic, they can be used to create a new Message Handler in Decisions.

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