AWS Elastic Load Balancer
  • 23 Jun 2022
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AWS Elastic Load Balancer

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Article summary

Module Details

Core or Github ModuleCore
Restart Required?No
Steps ExposedYes
Step Location Amazon AWS > Elastic Load Balancer
Settings Location Settings must be defined for each step
  • An Active Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

As part of the AWS module offerings, Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) can be utilized in Flows to deregister/register target instances and describe current groups handled by a particular ELB.

Deregister Load Balancer Target

The Deregister Load Balancer Target step removes listed instances from being handled by the load balancer.

RegionDetermines which AWS Region that will be searched by the request
Target Group ARNThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the targets
TargetsLists the targets that will be removed from the load balancer.

Describe Target Groups

The Describe Target Groups step lists all instances utilized by a load balancer.

Load Balancer ARNThe Amazon Resource Name for the load balancer where the information is being pulled from.
RegionDetermines the AWS Region that will be searched for the request

Describe Target Health

The Describe Target Health step provides information on the target instance current state and health.

RegionDetermines the AWS Region that will be searched for the request
Target GroupThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the targets

List Load Balancers

The List Load Balancers step lists all Load balancer environments for a given region.

RegionDetermines the AWS Region that will be searched for the request

Register Load Balancer Target

The Register Load Balancer Target step allows users to add new target instances to be handled by a load balancer.

RegionDetermines which AWS Region that will be searched by the request
Target Group ARNThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the targets
TargetsLists the targets that will be removed from the load balancer.

For further information on Modules, visit the Decisions Forum.

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