Email Templates
  • 04 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Email Templates

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Article summary


Email templates are HTML documents that define the look and feel of Emails sent from a Flow.


This example will demonstrate how to apply the Default Email Template, how to create new Email Templates, and how to make Email Templates variable by selecting from the Flow.

  1. In the Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW in the bottom action panel.
  2. Name the Flow and select CREATE to proceed to the Flow Designer.

  3. In the Flow Designer, add a Send Email step from the Favorite Steps category. 

  4. Next, connect the outcome from the Send Email step to the End step in the Flow.
  5. Select the Send Email step to configure step settings.
  6. Under Email > Inputs set the From and To fields to a constant value.

  7. Then, for the Subject and Body fields, set constant values for demonstration purposes.

  8. Next, navigate to the Settings – Contents section and from the Email Template drop down list, pick the Default Template.
  9. This completes the Flow. Save and close the Flow Designer.
  10. Back in the Designer Folder, locate the Flow that was just created. From the actions menu, select Run Flow.
  11. The Flow sends an Email. The received Email is an HTML document.

Create an Email Template

  1. In the Decisions Portal, navigate to System > Designers > Email Templates. This is where Email Templates are stored. 
  2. Notice the Default Template is located here. Select this document and choose Download.

  3. Open this HTML document on the local machine and it will look as follows.

  4. Users may adjust/edit this HTML document or create a new one that will satisfy their business needs.


  5. When the Email Template HTML document is ready, navigate to System > Designers > Email Templates and select ADD in the bottom action panel.

  6. In the resulting window, provide the Email Template with a Title and Description
  7. Then, drag and drop or choose the Email Template HTML document and select OK to save and continue.

  8. The Email Template is added to the Email Templates Folder.

  9. Next, navigate back to the Flow that was created previously in this tutorial and select Edit Flow.

  10. In the Flow Designer, select the Send Email step and locate the Settings – Contents section. 
  11. From the Email Template drop down menu, select the new Email Template.
  12. Save and close the Flow Designer.

  13. Back in the Designer Folder, run the Flow again.
  14. This time the Email is decorated with the customized Email Template.

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