- 07 Jul 2022
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Docker Container File Changes
- Updated on 07 Jul 2022
- 2 Minutes to read
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Once the Docker module has been installed. There are some additional configurations needed for the container. Most of these configuration changes are translating properties from the Settings.xml into variables for an environment file. In addition to creating an environment file, ports 80 and 443 will need to be exposed when utilizing containers.
Environment File changes
In order to fully utilize Decisions inside a Docker container, the user will need to make configuration changes to the container. These properties will be defined using the following convention: DECISIONS_propertyname. For example, the DatabaseConnectString property in the Settings.xml file will be translated as DECISIONS_DATABASECONNECTSTRING.
Below are some common properties along with an example that needs to be defined in the environment file.
Settings.xml property | Environment variable name | Example |
DatabaseConnectString | DECISIONS_DATABASECONNECTSTRING | DECISIONS_DATABASECONNECTSTRING=Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=decisions;Integrated Security=False;User ID=test;Password=test |
In addition, we can set the language and timezone for the container. This can be done by defining environment variables for these settings.
Environment variable | Use | Example |
TZ | Defines the timezone for the environment. By default, the timezone will be in UTC. | TZ=Asia/KolKata, TZ=America/New_York |
LANG | Contains the setting for all categories not directly set by LC_ALL | LANG=en_US.UTF-8 |
LANGUAGE | Used to set multiple languages for messages | LANGUAGE=en_US:en:fr |
LC_ALL | Used to override LANG and LANGUAGE settings | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 |
Additional configuration
Below are changes needed for specific modules or features in order to utilize them for a container.
SAML Module
WordToPDF Module
In order to utilize the module. A custom font needs to be added. This is due to the module using a Windows native font, which is not supported in Linux. In order to add the font:
- Create a folder path. This path will need to be volume mapped for the environment
- Copy the .TTF and .TTC files from C:\Windows\Fonts into the directory
- An easy way to accomplish this is to copy the needed files from a Windows environment and store them in a directory on the Linux machine.
Afterward, verify whether the font licensing is required, and read the EULA carefully before installing the MS Font on the Linux machine
External Form
Since the file path for a Linux operating system is case-sensitive, ensure that the Javascript paths for the external form have the correct casing.
Less files
In order to customize less files, the wwwroot/styles/less folder needs to be volume mapped to a physical file path for the container
Decisions Agents
The Download Agent button will not download the DecisionsAgent.msi in the container. In order to retrieve the .msi, it must be downloaded from the release site.
HL7 Module
The HL7 module requires that extra ports need to be open and exposed. This can be done by running the Docker expose commands. Ports can be opened using the following command:
Afterward, the port can be published and mapped to the container. This is done by the below command.
-p portnumber:portnumber