Creating an Entity Extension
  • 18 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating an Entity Extension

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Article summary


The Entity Extension is used to add additional fields or functionality to existing entities. For example, adding fields or functionality to the Assignment data type.


  1. In a Designer Project, click CREATE DATATYPES/INTEGRATION, select User Defined Types, and click Entity Extension.
  2. In the Entity Extension window, enter a name for the Entity Extension in the Structure Type Name and add data field names and the types.
  3. Select the Entity Extension Name to view the Entity Extension's settings. Under [SETTINGS] > Extension For Type, select the Entity the Extension will pair with.
    Click SAVE.
    Upon creating the Entity Extension, it will reside in its parent Designer Folder alongside a Configuration Folder.

Entity Extension Creation Settings

Setting NameDescription

Extension For TypeSpecifies the data type for the entity extension

Enable CachingEnables the Entity to be loaded into the cache

Hide In SearchHides the data type from appearing when being searched

Include ID In Flow Cache KeyAdds the GUID to the Cache Step Key for easier searching

Type Name SpaceCreates the unique identifier for the Entity (namespace.typename) to generate the SQL table name for the Entity (namespace_typename)

Audit ChangesSaves changes to Entity data in the Audited Entities table. This option is used when data monitoring is required for this Entity

Category OrderAllows data field categories to be organized by the Designer

Include Type Name In DescriptionThis enables or disables the visibility of the Type namespace

Add Category NameAllows a Category name to be specified

Add Sub Category NameAllows a Sub Category Name

For further information on Data Structures, visit the Decisions Forum.

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