Configuring User Account to Receive SMS Text Messaging
  • 29 Sep 2021
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Configuring User Account to Receive SMS Text Messaging

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Article summary


Decisions allows users to configure the Portal to receive SMS text messages from a supported SMS carrier. 


This example will demonstrate how to configure a SMS carrier and enable SMS notifications for a user.

  1. In the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > Administration > Notifications > SMS Carrier. If the desired SMS Carrier is not displayed click ADD SMS CARRIER.
  2. Navigate to System > Security > Accounts, right-click the desired user, and select Edit Account.
  3. Under the PHONE DETAILS category, click ADD.
  4. On the Add Phone Detailswindow, configure the option parameters and click OK to save.
    The Phone Number, Accept SMS, and SMS Carrier fields are required to enable SMS text messaging.

    Option ParameterDescription
    Phone NumberFull phone number of the user
    Type of PhoneType of the phone associated with the phone number (Mobile, Office, Home, Fax, Other, Pager, IpPhone)
    Preferred Voice ContactEnable if this is the preferred number for leaving voicemails
    Accept SMSEnable this checkbox if the user is to receive SMS text messages
    SMS CarrierThe carrier that the user currently uses for text messaging
    Has ExtensionEnable this checkbox if the phone number has a required extension. Displays the Extension field when enabled.

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