Configuring Decisions to use a Systemwide Proxy
  • 18 Mar 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configuring Decisions to use a Systemwide Proxy

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Article summary


In the event that a Decisions environment cannot communicate with external resources or has issues performing REST calls as intended, users may create a Default Proxy setting by editing the DecisionsServiceHost.exe.config file on their File System. Configuring a Default Proxy allows the system to better communicate with these external systems and allows the system to avoid additional integration issues.


To set up and enable a Default Proxy setting: 

Note on Permissions 
Note that the following example requires the user to adjust a .config file. Due to this requirement, it is advised that the user should be an Administrator or have the permission of an Administrator to perform these actions. 
  1. From the File System, navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager
  2. As an Administrator, locate and open DecisionsServiceHost.exe.config in a Text Editor.
  3. From the Text Editor, add the following text before the closing </configuration> text. 
    Note on Proxy Config 
    The following tags below represent a basic setup for configuring a Systemwide Proxy. For more information on some of the tags shown and how to configure a Proxy, see <defaultProxy> Element (Network Settings).
            proxyaddress="Insert IP Address"  
            bypassonlocal="True or False"  
            <add address="Insert IP Address1" />
            <add address="Insert IP Address2" />  
  4. Replace the value within the quotations following proxyaddress with the respective Proxy IP. Then set the desired address value for bypasslist
    Note on Bypass on Local
    To bypass the proxy for local access, set the bypassonlocal value to True, otherwise set to False.

  5. Save the file, then exit the Text Editor via X.

  6. Restart Service Host Manager

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