Changing the Portal Base URL
  • 03 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Changing the Portal Base URL

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Article summary

Notifications sent from the platform contain a link back to the base URL for the portal. For example, the system may send a default notification due to an error, or a task notification to a user. The portal base URL, or folder path, displays in the notification.
The default base URL is localhost/decisions/.
The portal base URL can be set in one of two ways:

  • Change the portal base URL during the installation process

  • Edit the system's settings.xml file


This example demonstrates the procedures for changing the portal base URL, using the two methods described above.
To change the portal base URL on an installed instance of the platform, access C:/Program Files/Decisions/Decisions Services Manager on the server where the platform is installed

Open Settings.xml.
Locate the setting.

Replace the value http://localhost/decisions with your server's information and restart the server.

To change the portal base URL during the installation process:
In the Installation Type step, click Edit Settings.

In the Settings pop-up, change the PortalBaseUrl value to reflect your server's information.
Using either method changes the portal base URL throughout the system.

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