Accessing HTTP Headers via Flow
  • 11 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Accessing HTTP Headers via Flow

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Article summary


Due to the possibility that some REST calls may not contain Body content, and some integrations may require information not found in the Body, oftentimes a user may need to obtain Header data. Headers contain certain things that pertain to a REST service such as Authorization or Authentication information, the type of REST method (such as GET, POST, PATCH, etc..), and custom application-specific header information.

To aid in obtaining this information, users may utilize a workflow to obtain HTTP Headers.

Note on Version Availability 
As of v.7.1, HTTP Headers are available as Flow Data as RequestHeaders. This can be viewed from the Data Explorer tab in the Flow Designer, under the Flow Data category.

The following example below demonstrates how to achieve this via Flow in Decisions. 


  1. From a Designer Project, select CREATE FLOW and CREATE a new Flow
  2. From the Flow Designer, connect the Start step to the End step. 
  3. Select the End step to navigate to its Properties tab; then, under DATA > Output click SHOW EDITOR.
  4. From the Output Data Designer, select DataPair from the TYPE dropdown, check the IS LIST box, and provide a NAME. Then click the Edit icon (pencil) and then Pick.
  5. From the Pick Data For Input window, select Flow Data.RequestHeaders/All Items as Array, then click DONE.

  6. Save the Output Data, then exit via X.

  7. Save the Flow, then click the Debug link from the top Action bar. Click START DEBUGGING.

  8. After the Flow runs, select the End step, then select Execution 1 > View Output Data.

    Output Data Results 
    The resulting Output Data will be a list of each DataPair found within the HTTP Headers. 

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