Actions Glossary
  • 22 May 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Actions Glossary

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Article summary


Within a Project, there are a variety of actions on stored Designer Elements such as Flows, Forms, Reports, and other items.  If looking for a specific Action, the browser/OS's search shortcut is recommended due to this article's length. This will be CTRL +F or COMMAND + F for Windows and Mac computers.

Folder Actions

Action NameDescription
Create FolderCreates a child Folder within the selected Folder
MoveMoves the Folder to a specified location.
Move Folder to ProjectMoves the Folder to a specified Project.
DeleteDeletes either the Folder or the Folder and its entire contents.
Open Containing FolderOpens the folder that contains the selected Folder.

Manage PermissionsDecide which accounts and/or groups can view, access, edit, add, delete, etc, inside the Folder.

Disable Permissions InheritanceEnables or removes permissions inheritance.

CaseAdds an entry of a predetermined Case. By default, there are Application and Person options.

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object.

Set Look and FeelSets the appearance of Folders, such as color, thumbnail, and icon.

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Folder IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

Move to RootMoves the Folder to the root directly. It will no longer be nested inside any other Folder(s).

View Integration DetailsOpens the Integration Details Page for the Folder.

Add as Favorite

Make this my Home PageDesignates the Folder as the initiating user's home page. The folder will immediately open once the initiating user logs in.
Add PageCreates a Page and Page Data in the folder, making it accessible as a tab at the top right of the folder
Set Default Page
Add Flow as ActionCreates a new action for the folder based on a specified Flow's logic. For more information, refer to the User Action FLows article.
After v8.16, users can only select a special Flow behavior: "User Action Flow [Folder Aware]" to pick on Add Flow as Action.

Add AliasOverrides the Folder's name to a designated alias for use in URLs.

Edit Pinned Folder
Open History
Import & Export

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository

CheckinChecks in recent changes made to the Project to the copy stored on the repository.

CheckoutChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Show All Recent ChangesHighlights any recent changes to all Projects made on the environment.

Revert ChangesReverts any recent changes to a Project to the copy stored on the Repository.

Remove from ProjectManually removes an object from the Project.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.

Designer Folder Actions

Action NameDescription
Create [Designer Element Type Name]Creates the selected Designer Element.
MoveMoves the Folder to a specified location.
DeleteDeletes either the Folder or the Folder and its entire contents.
Open in New TabOpens the selected item in a new tab.
Open Containing FolderOpens the folder that contains the selected Folder.

Manage PermissionsDecide which accounts and/or groups can view, access, edit, add, delete, etc, inside the Folder.

Disable Permissions InheritanceEnables or removes permissions inheritance.

CaseAdds an entry of a predetermined Case. By default, there are Application and Person options.

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object.

Set Look and FeelSets the appearance of Folders, such as color, thumbnail, and icon.

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Folder IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID.

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

Move to RootMoves the Folder to the root directly. It will no longer be nested inside any other Folder(s).

View Integration DetailsOpens the Integration Details Page for the Folder.

Add as Favorite

Make this my Home PageDesignates the Folder as the initiating user's home page. The folder will immediately open once the initiating user logs in.
Import & Export

Create Project DocumentationCreates documentation of the Designer Project via an HTML Report. Lists the total number of Designer Elements such as Flows, Forms, etc, and lists them by name.

ImportImports a Project and/or objects via .dec, .obj, and/or .zip file extensions.

ExportExports the object assuming it has been attached to a Project. If not, it will also prompt you to add the object to a Project.

Check Export ConsistencyChecks previously exported .dec, .obj, and/or .zip files for missing dependencies before importing into the environment (i.e. it checks the files for import issues without saving them).

Upload BPMN XMLUploads a Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) graph via XML.

Upload DMN XMLUploads a Decision Model and Notation (DMN) graph via XML.
Designer Repository

Add To ProjectManually adds an object to the new Project or to a pre-existing Project.

Checkout ProjectChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.
Add PageCreates a Page and Page Data in the folder, making it accessible as a tab at the top right of the folder
Set Default Page
Add Flow as ActionCreates a new action for the folder based on a specified Flow's logic.
For more information, refer to the User Action FLows article.

Add AliasOverrides the Folder's name to a designated alias for use in URLs.

Edit Pinned FolderOpens up a dialog to edit the pinned or favorited folder at the top of the Folder navigation tree.
Query EditorOpens the Query Editor.

Recompile All Code BucketsRecompiles all Code Buckets within the Designer Project and keeps them up-to-date.

Recompile Data StructuresRecompiles any Data Structures within the Designer Project and keeps them up-to-date.

Flow Actions

Action NameDescription
EditOpens the Flow in the Flow Designer
Run FlowRuns the Flow
CopyCopies the object and names the new copy.
MoveMoves the object to a different Designer Folder.
Move to ProjectMoves the object to a different parent Designer Project.
DeleteDeletes the Flow

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Flow IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

View Integration DetailsOpens the Integration Details Page for the Flow.

Compare Flow VersionsOpens the Compare Versions window to display different saved versions of the Flow visually


Clear Steps CacheClears memory within Cache Steps within the Flow

Set Flow BehaviorDisplays a list of Flow Behaviors to assign to the Flow

Set OwnerSelects an Account to assign as the owner of the object. Whenever the object is edited, the account will be notified.

View Inputs/OutputsDisplays inputs and outputs of the object similar to debugging results

Create URL AliasCreates a URL Alias for the Flow, which can help shorten long names

Debug FlowOpens the Flow in the Debugger.

Add Unit TestCreates a new unit test for the Flow.

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository*

CheckinChecks in recent changes made to the Project to the copy stored on the repository.

CheckoutChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Show All Recent ChangesHighlights any recent changes to all Projects made on the environment.

Revert ChangesReverts any recent changes to a Project to the copy stored on the Repository.

Remove from ProjectManually removes an object from the Project.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.
Open History FolderCompares the selected Flow to other versions in its History. It will also automatically produce Result data.

Form Actions

Action NameDescription
EditOpens the Form in the Form Designer
CopyCopies the object and names the new copy.
MoveMoves the object to a different Designer Folder.
DeleteDeletes the Flow
Preview FormDisplays Form as it would appear for the end-user

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Form IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.


Make Template
Create Templates for future iterations of the same element type.

Make Design PatternMake a Design Pattern for the Form.


Set OwnerSelects an Account to assign as the owner of the object. Whenever the object is edited, the account will be notified.

View Inputs/OutputsDisplays inputs and outputs of the object similar to debugging results.
Import & Export

ImportImports a Project and/or objects via .dec, .obj, and/or .zip file extensions.

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository*

Add to ProjectManually adds an object to a new Project or a pre-existing Project.

Checkout ProjectChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.
Open History FolderCompares the selected Flow to other versions in its History. It will also automatically produce Result data.

Rule Actions

Action NameDescription
EditOpens the Rule in the Rule Designer.
CopyCopies the object and names the new copy.
MoveMoves the object to a different Designer Folder.
DeleteDeletes the Rule.

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object.

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Rule IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

View Integration DetailsOpens the Integration Details Page for the Rule.


Make Template
Create Templates for future iterations of the same element type.

Make Design PatternMake a Design Pattern for the Form


Set Rule BehaviorDisplays a list of Rule Behaviors to assign to the Rule.

Set OwnerSelects an Account to assign as the owner of the object. Whenever the object is edited, the account will be notified.

View Inputs/OutputsDisplays inputs and outputs of the object similar to debugging results

Debug RuleOpens the Rule in the Debugger

Add Unit TestCreates a new unit test for the Rule
Import & Export

ImportImports a Project and/or objects via .dec, .obj, and/or .zip file extensions.

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository*

CheckinChecks in recent changes made to the Project to the copy stored on the repository.

CheckoutChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Show All Recent ChangesHighlights any recent changes to all Projects made on the environment.

Revert ChangesReverts any recent changes to a Project to the copy stored on the Repository.

Remove from ProjectManually removes an object from the Project.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.
Open History FolderCompares the selected Rule to other versions in its History. It will also automatically produce Result data.

Report Actions

Action NameDescription
EditOpens the Report in the Report Designer.
RunRuns the Report.
CopyCopies the object and names the new copy.
MoveMoves the object to a different Designer Folder.
DeleteDeletes the Report.

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object.

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Report IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID.

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

View Integration DetailsOpens the Integration Details Page of the Report.

Make Template
Create Templates for future iterations of the same element type.

Set OwnerSelects an Account to assign as the owner of the object. Whenever the object is edited, the account will be notified.
Import & Export

ImportImports a Project and/or objects via .dec, .obj, and/or .zip file extensions.

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository*

Add to ProjectManually adds an object to the new Project or a pre-existing Project

Checkout ProjectChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Open Repository Server
Opens the login window to the Repository server.
Open History FolderCompares the Report to other versions in its History.

Page/Dashboard Actions

Action NameDescription
EditOpens the Page in the Page Designer.
CopyCopies the object and names the new copy.
MoveMoves the object to a different Designer Folder.
DeleteDeletes the Report.

Browse DependenciesDisplays previously declared dependencies for the object

Update DependenciesUpdates dependencies for the object.

Set Name and DescriptionSets the name and description of the Designer Element.

Get Page IDRetrieves and displays the object's unique ID.

Manage TagsOpens a drop-down list that may create new tags or select pre-existing tags to be attached to the object. It is best used when compartmentally organizing large Projects.

Make Template
Create Templates for future iterations of the same element type.

Set OwnerSelects an Account to assign as the owner of the object. Whenever the object is edited, the account will be notified.
Import & Export

ImportImports a Project and/or objects via .dec, .obj, and/or .zip file extensions.

Export ProjectExport the entire Project that the selected item is a part of.

Export Single ItemExport the item only, not including the Project it is attached to.
Designer Repository*

Add to ProjectManually adds an object to the new Project or to a pre-existing Project

Checkout ProjectChecks out Projects from the Repository server to be brought into another environment.

Open Repository ServerOpens the login window to the Repository server.
Open History FolderCompares the Report to other versions in its History.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionDeveloper Task
After v8.16, users can only select a special Flow behavior: "User Action Flow [Folder Aware]" to pick on Add Flow as Action.8.16[DT-039164]

For further information on the Portal, visit the Decisions Forum.

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