Customizing Folders
  • 07 Jul 2022
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Customizing Folders

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Article summary

Users with the necessary permissions may edit a Designer Project to customize their appearance in the Folder Tree.

Right-click on a Designer Project in the Folder Tree to open it's Actions Menu. Under Manage, notice these four actions:

  • Pin to Top Menu
  • Set Look and Feel
  • Set Name and Description
  • Set Order

Selecting the Pin to Top Menu action pins this folder to the Favorites favorites section of the sidebar for quick access to its contents. For Designer Projects containing a Dashboard, this is especially useful.

Under its Advanced section, the Pin Folder to Menu window contains all settings available within the other bulleted actions; however, these actions specifically customize how the Folder looks in the Favorites menu. 

To change how the Folder looks outside the Favorites menu, utilize the other bulleted actions with settings that, while named the same, affect how the Folder looks in the Folders menu instead.

The following configurations are available upon selecting this action:

Setting NameDefault ValueFunction
NameCurrent name of the Designer FolderPrompts for the name of the Designer Project in the Favorites menu. This does not change the Designer Project's name.
Show on MobileFalseToggles whether the pin for this Designer Project should appear on mobile devices.
TypeFor All UsersAllows selection of which users will see the pin.

For All Users--All users in the instance can see/use the pin.
Note that an account does not have access to open the pinned Designer Folder until it gains the necessary permissions. Pins do not override permissions.

For Me--Only the account creating the pin can see/use the pin.

For This Session Only--Only the account creating this pin can see/use this pin for only this current session. Upon logging out and logging back in, the pin will be deleted.

Unfavorite--Removes the pin from the Folder Tree.
Advanced > Order0Organizes how nested Designer Projects are organized top to bottom in the Favorites menu. The higher the number, the closer to the top the Designer Project appears.
Advanced > ColorN/AAllows selection of the Designer Project's name's text color in the Favorites menu.
Advanced > ThumbnailN/AAllows selection of the Designer Project's thumbnail in the Favorites menu.
Advanced > Icondesigner-folderAllows selection of the Designer Project's icon in the Favorites menu.

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