Document Viewer
  • 04 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Document Viewer

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Article summary

Feature Details
Introduced in Version--
Modified in Version8.10
NoteDocument Viewer is now available for Simple Forms.


Document Viewer is a type of Form Control that displays the documents on the Forms during runtime. The control is commonly used to view and interact with documents as part of their workflow.

Supported File ExtensionsUnsupported File Extensions




Document Viewer can be found under the ToolBox > Controls > Data.


Click on the Document Viewer control to open the Properties Panel from the right side of the screen.

Common Properties
NameAllows to set the name for the Control
Input TypeChoose the type of input you wish to pass through Form Control. 

Allows to enter the Document ID. Users can find the Document ID by right-clicking on the document > Manage > Get Document ID.

Allows passing the FileData. For more information, refer to File Type Overview.

Allows passing the FileReference. For more information, refer to File References.
Static Input

When enabled allows uploading a single static file or passing the Document ID to the control.
When disabled, allows entering the Data Name.

Data NameAllows to enter a user-specific Data Name.
Data Name becomes an input parameter to the respective Form Control when the Form is used within a Flow. Users can map the Flow input to this parameter to pass the Input Type (Document ID/FileData/FileReference) dynamically.
Specify URL ParametersWhen enabled opens a new field to pass the URL parameters.

URL parameters
Allows to pass the static URL Parameters, e.g., zoom=50.
Specify URL Parameters From Data NameWhen enabled allows passing URL parameters through Data Name.

URL parameters Data Name
Provide a user-specific Nata Name.
Default Page NumberAllows to open a specific page of the document when the Form loads.

Page Number from Data Name
Allows passing Page Number through Data Name.
Initially Visible Source
This feature allows choosing whether the Form control should be visible or remain hidden when the form loads.

Constant Data > Initially VIsible
When enabled, the Form control (Document Viewer in this case) will be visible. If disabled, the control will be hidden.

From Flow Data > Initially Visible Data
Allows configuring the Initially Visible Source through Data Name.
View > CSS Class
Allows the selection of a CSS class to be applied to the control.
Size and Tabs > Edit
Provides options to change the dimensions of the control and tab index.


In the following example, a Form will be used in a Flow that will display a PDF Document.

  1. Create a FlowAdd a Form step to the Flow.
  2. In the Form Designer, add a Button for end users to submit the Form. Add the Document Viewer control from the Toolbox.
  3. Resize the Document Viewer control to provide a better view. Change its Input Type to FileData and give a Data Name. Set Default Page Number to 2.
  4. This completes the Form. Save the Form and close the Form Designer.
  5. In the Flow Designer, select SETUP INPUT DATAConfigure the input data type as File Data.
  6. Edit the Input and add a PDF file as constant to the Flow. Users can also upload a file while Debugging.
  7. Save and exit the Flow Input Data window.

  8. Click on the Form Step. On the Input of the Form, map the FileData value to the Input Defined.
  9. Debug the Flow. The Form will open the PDF Document direct to Page number 2 as it was configured in Step Number 3.

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