Decisions Environment Variables
  • 30 May 2024
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Decisions Environment Variables

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Article summary

Feature Details
Introduced in Version8.00
Modified in Version8.13


Environment variables for containers serve as a means to transmit configuration and runtime details to applications operating within the container environment. These variables align with the settings outlined in a virtual machine's (VM) settings.xml file, encompassing tasks such as setting up a container's database connection or configuring HTTPS. Through the addition and configuration of particular variables, containers are empowered to replicate the functionalities akin to those of a virtual machine.

The values for the Environment Variables are case-sensitive.

Required Environment Variables

The following table lists the base minimum required environment variables for all containers. 

Environment VariableFunction
DECISIONS_DATABASECONNECTSTRINGConfigures the Container's connection to its database. Few example connection string has been listed at the end of the table.
DECISIONS_DATABASETYPEConfigures what type of database the Container uses.

Configures location data volumes are mapped to allow containers to preserve persistent data.

Since containers are Linux-based, paths for the file storage will be case-sensitive.

DECISIONS_PORTALBASEURLConfigures the URL of the Container consisting of the domain name and its port.

Example Connection String:

Data Source=[myServerAddress];Initial Catalog=[myDataBase];Integrated Security=False;User ID=[myDomain\myUsername];Password=[myPassword] 
Server=tcp:[YOURDATABASE],1433;Initial Catalog=decisions;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=[ADMINUSER];Password=[YOURADMINPASSWORD];MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=False;Connection Timeout=30;
To configure the properties specified in Settings.xml to the Environment Variable of the containers, refer to the article Configuring Settings.xml to Environment Variable.

Additional Environment Variables

The following section demonstrates some of the additional and optional environment variables that users might need to configure based on their application's use case.

HTTP/HTTPS Variables

Ensure the ports are open and the correct certificate is saved onto the machine.

Local install must manually edit the Container's URL in-browser by adding "https://" before the domain name and ":433" after the domain name e.g. "https//:localhost:443". The browser may display a warning against this redirect. If prompted, select the Advanced button, then select Proceed to continue.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_ENABLEHTTPThe Decisions application running inside a container listens to ports 80 and 443 by default, and these variables toggle the use of the default web traffic ports for connections to the server.
Note: Either HTTP or HTTPS must be marked True to access the application.
DECISIONS_HTTPPORTThese variables allow the application to run on designated ports within the containers. By doing so, users can map the Container's port to a particular port on the host machine, facilitating access to the application running inside the Container from the host's network.8081
DECISIONS_HTTPSCERTIFICATEPATHEnter the file path where the Container's certificate resides. This searches C:\Docker by default. Enter the certificate name at the end./cert/decisions.pfx

DECISIONS_HTTPSCERTIFICATEPASSWORDUse this variable if the SSL certificate is password protected.<Certificate Password>
DECISIONS_ENABLEHTTPTOHTTPSREDIRECTIONThis setting will redirect the connection from HTTP to HTTPS.true
DECISIONS_FORCEBASEURIThis environment variable must be used if SSL terminates at the Load Balancer. <HTTPSAddress>

Licensing Variables

Refer to the Self-Service Licensing article for further information on licensing.

The Container must have an internet connection for licensing.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_LICENSECOMPANYIDEnter the license ID for the Container's instance.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
DECISIONS_LICENSECOMPANYNAMEEnter the company name attached to the license's ID.Decisions
DECISIONS_LICENSECONTACTEMAILEnter a contact email for the provided license
DECISIONS_ENVIRONMENTNAMEEnter the name of the Container to license. This can be specified during container creation or afterward. TestingEnvironment
DECISIONS_LICENSETYPEEnter the license type of the Container.
This will likely be either 'Enterprise Production' or 'EnterpriseNonProduction'.

SMTP Variables

Refer to the Email and SMTP in Decisions article for further information.

Besides the bypass variable, each variable's value depends on the SMTP email provider. Gmail, Office365, and Outlook are supported.

Enter their respective values in the variables.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_MAIL_BYPASSSMTPSERVERToggles if sent mail respects SMTP settings.

It is best to keep this as False or a validation error will occur.
Enter the domain name of the SMTP
Enter the port number of the SMTP server.587
Toggles if authentication is necessary to log in to the SMTP
Enter the username of the SMTP server.exampleaccount
Enter the password for the specified user.password123
Toggles secure socket layer (SSL) encryption on SMTP mail.false

SSO Variable

To enable SSO for a container, refer to the following environment variable:

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_ENABLESINGLESIGNONToggles single sign-on (SSO) for the Container.true

Server Type Variable

To change the Container's server type to, for example, a Repository server, enter the following variable:

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_SERVERTYPEDetermines the Container's server type.

Without this variable, containers install as a standard Application server.
Repository containers: Repository
MT Control containers: Hosted
MT Tenant containers: Tenant

Refer to MT Tenant Variables for all other necessary variables for this Container.

MT Tenant Variables

To create an MT Tenant container, refer to the following variables:

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_CONTROLINSTANCEURLPrompts for the URL of the multi-tenant control instance.
DECISIONS_SERVERTYPEDetermines the Container's server type.

By default, containers install as a standard Application server.
DECISIONS_INSTANCEAUTHENTICATIONKEYPrompts for the instance Authorization Key.[15 random characters (a-Z, 0-9)]
DECISIONS_INSTANCENAMEPrompts for the name of the Container's instance.Instance1

Clustering Variables

The following optional environment variables are required to set up a clustered environment.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_CLUSTERING_TURNONCLUSTERINGToggles whether the containers support clustering.true
DECISIONS_CLUSTERING_REDISBASEURLPrompts for the Redis URL of the Redis container.localhost:6379
DECISIONS_CAN_BE_JOB_SERVERToggles whether the server can be a job server. Ensure to mark it True when running the servers in clustering. For more information, refer to Setting the Primary Job Server for a Cluster.true

Recommended Optional AWS Variables

The following optional environment variables are recommended for Setting up AWS Cloudwatch Logging.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_LOG_AWS_REGIONEnter the address of the Cloudwatch region.--
Enter the log path.--
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDEnter the Access Key ID for the IAM Role.--
Enter the Secret Access Key for the IAM Role.--

Recommended Optional Azure Variables

The following optional environment variables are recommended for an Azure container.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_LOG_AZURE_WORKSPACE_IDRequired for log analytics. Enter the Workspace ID of the Log Analytics workspace.--
DECISIONS_LOG_AZURE_AUTHENTICATION_IDRequired for log analytics. Enter the Authentication ID of the Log Analytics workspace.--

Integration Settings Variables

The following optional variables allow a user to configure Integration settings within the portal.

For more information, refer to Integration Settings and How to Set Up and Use JWT.

Environment VariableFunctionExample
DECISIONS_INTEGRATION_USEASYMMETRICKEYEnables the Container to use the Public Key for JSON Web Token (JWT).true


Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionDateDeveloper Task
Added Environment Variable for "Can Be Job Server"8.12June 7, 2023[DT-037901]
Added Environment Variables for "Integration Settings Variables"8.12June 7, 2023[DT-037672]
Allow Containers to use non-default ports8.13August 11, 2023
Respect EnableHttp setting in Container.8.13August 11, 2023

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