Double Steps
  • 22 Nov 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Double Steps

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Article Summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version8.17
Last Modified in Version--
LocationData > Numbers > Double

The Double value type represents a double-precision 64-bit number with values ranging from negative 1.79769313486232e308 to positive 1.79769313486232e308, as well as positive or negative zero, PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity, and not a number (NaN). It is intended to represent values that are extremely large (such as distances between planets or galaxies) or extremely small (such as the molecular mass of a substance in kilograms), and that often are imprecise (such as the distance from Earth to another solar system). For more information, refer to Data Types.

Version 8.17 introduces a set of steps in the Toolbox under Data > Numbers > Double. These new steps function identically to the existing steps under Data > Numbers, with the sole distinction being the data type—they operate with Double instead of Decimal. Users can choose between Decimal and Double data types based on their precision requirements.

Available Steps

Following are the steps listed under the Data > Numbers > Double. Some of the Steps are referenced to the already available step-library article with the same functionality.

Step NameStep Description
Absolute Value (Double)The Absolute Value step gets the modulus value of the input. The absolute value of a Double is its numeric value without its sign. For example, the absolute value of both 1.2e03 and -1.2e03 is 1.2e03.
Add (Double)
This step takes two numbers and adds them together. The step returns a number, which is the result of this calculation.
Average (Double)
The Average step takes in a list of decimals and outputs a single decimal representing the average values passed in.
Ceiling (Double)Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number. If the input provided is 10.1 the step will return 11.
Create Infinity (Double)This step is used to create negative infinity or positive infinity values within the workflow.
CreateNaN (Double)This step is used to create a NaN (Not a number) within the workflow.
Divide (Double)
This step takes two numbers: "Value" and "byValue". The "Value" is divided by the "byValue", and the step returns a number which is the result of this calculation.
Equals (Double)
Compares two number values to determine whether or not they're equivalent. A boolean value of true or false is the result.
Equals Without Decimal (Double)
Equals Without Decimal step evaluates if two numbers are equal without looking past the decimal point.
Floor (Double)Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number. If the input provided is 10.1, the step will return 10.
Greater Than (Double)The Greater Than step compares two number values and determines whether or not the first value is higher than the second value.
Greater Than Or Equal To (Double)The Greater Than or Equal To step takes two decimals and checks if the first is greater than or equal to the second. It results in the appropriate answer of true or false.
Is Negative Infinity (Double)This is a Rule step and returns a boolean value after confirming the input provided is negative infinity. The value of this constant is the result of dividing a negative number by zero.
Is Positive Infinity (Double)This is a Rule step and returns a boolean value after confirming the input provided is positive infinity. The value of this constant is the result of dividing a positive number by zero.
IsNaN (Double)The IsNan is a Rule step that outputs a boolean value, indicating whether the given input is not a number.
Less Than (Double)
The Less Than step compares two number values and determines whether or not the first value is less than the second value.
Less Than Or Equal To (Double)
The Less Than or Equal To step takes two decimals and checks if the first is less than or equal to the second. It results in the appropriate answer of true or false.
Max (Double)
This step receives a list of numbers and outputs the largest number.
Min (Double)
This step receives a list of numbers and outputs the lowest number.
Mod (Double)The Mod step calculates the remaining value when a number is divided by another. It is known as the modulo operation.
Multiply (Double)
This step takes two numbers: "Value" and "byValue". The "Value" is multiplied by the "byValue", and the step returns a number which is the result of this calculation.
Parse Number (Double)
The Parse Number step will extract numbers from a specified String to convert to a decimal. It includes an option that will Convert Null Values to Zero.
POW (Double)
The POW step will multiply the value by itself the number of times specified in the Exponent field.
Round (Double)
The Round step rounds a decimal value up or down to the defined number of decimal places. The result is a decimal value.
Subtract (Double)
This step takes two numbers: "from Value" and "subtract Value". The "subtract Value" is subtracted from the "from Value", and the step returns a number which is the result of this calculation.
Sum (Double)
This step takes a list of Numbers and adds the numbers together. The step returns a number, which is the result of this calculation.

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