Version 3.1 Release Notes
  • 09 Dec 2024
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Version 3.1 Release Notes

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Article summary

Release Date: July 3, 2024

New Features

DT TitleDescription
[DT-040121] Process Mining: Logs OverviewAdded a new overview page where users can see all Logs available in the platform.
[DT-041330] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Process APIAdded support for new Decisions steps for Process API.
[DT-041331] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Resource APIAdded support for new Decisions steps for Resource API.
[DT-041327] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/ActivityResource APINew steps for Activity Resource API have been added to the Decisions platform.
[DT-041326] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Activity APINew steps for Activity API are now in the Decisions platform.
[DT-041328] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Platform API
Added support for new Decisions steps for Platform API.
[DT-041329] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Platform API
Added support for new Decisions steps for Platform API.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-040979] Process Mining: Cost Analyser should expose data via APIData in the Cost Analyzer can now be exposed via API.
[DT-040977] Process Mining: Cost Analyser should allow the use of different attributes
The Cost Analyzer now has the ability to allow users to select different attributes for the activity as well as the duration of the activity.
[DT-041054] Add API to to fetch Decisions version number inside Process Mining module
Process Mining can now determine what version of Decisions a User has.
[DT-041111] Possibility to select an X axis relative to which a ratio measure should be computed in custom dashboard
New options for computing relative measure have been added to custom dashboards.



DT TitleDescription
[DT-041166] Process Mining: LogInfoAbstract error in AnalyserFixed a rare error.
[DT-040946] Process Mining: Analyzer - Create Case Entity: The designer folder gets created in the 'Folders' tab which is a forbidden behavior in 9x.Creating a Case Entity within Process Mining will no longer create designer folders in v9 installs of Decisions.
[DT-041020] Process Mining: Diagnoser - RCA: The Node Stats layer is displayed even after double-clicking on a node.
The Node Stats layer will no longer remain displayed after double-clicking on a node in the Root Case Analyzer.
[DT-041134] Errors in the dashboard and charts on the map when there is no resource in a log
Fixed an error that occurred when double-clicking an activity in the Analyzer.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-041432] Process Mining - Custom dashboard - Table: The info in the 'Instructions' needs to be updated.The help text for Tables in Custom Dashboards has been updated.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-041012] Process Mining: Diagnoser - Impact Analyzer: The outcome value changes to 'Case Duration' when intermediate metric is enabled & a filter is re-applied.Fixed a bug that caused the outcome value changes to 'Case Duration' when the intermediate metric is enabled in the Impact Analyzer of Diagnoser plugin and a filter is re-applied to the log.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-041390] Process Mining - Filter Setting - Fix tooltip label for duplicate and settingsFixed the tooltip label for the Duplicate button and the Settings button.
[DT-041015] Process Mining: Filters - Frequency & Duration: The selected Activities/Handovers are removed when loading saved filters.
Activity and Handover filters will no longer be removed after they have been saved.

SPC Analyzer

DT TitleDescription
[DT-041022] Process Mining - SPC Analyzer: The format of the timestamp value is invalid.Timestamps are now formatted properly and will not cause issues inside the SPC Analyzer.
[DT-041014] Process Mining - SPC Analyzer: An error occurs when an attribute is selected to assess for a grouping of a boolean 'Value' to be shown in a P chartTrying to assess the a groping of a Boolean value on an attribute will not longer cause an error in the SPC Analyzer.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-041269] Process Mining: /api-docs page is not reachableFixed a bug that prevented users from getting to the API page.
[DT-041191] Process Mining: An error occurs after logging in to the portal - when the incorrect SSL Key values are corrected and the service is restarted.Fixing SSL key values will no longer prevent log-in with the correct SSL key.
[DT-039067] Process Mining: The portal looks distorted after a clean installation intermittently.Fixed a visual bug.
[DT-040674] Cannot Enable HTTPS in the Process Mining InstallerHTTPS can now be enabled during the installation process.
[DT-040815] Process Mining FR - Set Agent Password During InstallationUsers now set up their password at the time of install.

Variant Explorer

DT TitleDescription
[DT-041275] Sorting case table does not work correctly in Variant ExplorerFixed a bug when sorting tables in the Variant Explorer.
[DT-040274] Possibility to visualize variants stats in custom dashboardsAll Variant stats are now able to be visualized on a custom dashboard.
[DT-040224] Possibility to create multi-column tablesTables in custom dashboards can now have more than two columns.
[DT-041038] Process Mining: Compliance Checker - Control Flow: The log animation window does not appear for variant details.
The Log Animation window now properly appears for Variants.
[DT-041116] Process Mining: Null Pointer in LogInfoAbstractLite
Fixed a bug that would occur when clicking on an activity in the Variant Explorer.


DT TitleDescription
[DT-040585] If null value is selected from activity then it should show 'null' instead of empty string in filter descriptionSelecting a null value from an activity will now show that it is null instead of just appearing empty.
[DT-041335] Process Mining - Dashboard: Errors occur while navigating and changing the view on the 'Resource' tab.Errors will no longer occur when navigating to the Resource tab after changing SSL key values and restarting.
[DT-041169] Process Mining: Exception thrown by HandoverStatsFixed an error involving Handovers.

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