Version 3.1 Release Notes
- 09 Dec 2024
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Version 3.1 Release Notes
- Updated on 09 Dec 2024
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Release Date: July 3, 2024
New Features
DT Title | Description |
[DT-040121] Process Mining: Logs Overview | Added a new overview page where users can see all Logs available in the platform. |
[DT-041330] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Process API | Added support for new Decisions steps for Process API. |
[DT-041331] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Resource API | Added support for new Decisions steps for Resource API. |
[DT-041327] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/ActivityResource API | New steps for Activity Resource API have been added to the Decisions platform. |
[DT-041326] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Activity API | New steps for Activity API are now in the Decisions platform. |
[DT-041328] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Platform API | Added support for new Decisions steps for Platform API. |
[DT-041329] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Platform API | Added support for new Decisions steps for Platform API. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-040979] Process Mining: Cost Analyser should expose data via API | Data in the Cost Analyzer can now be exposed via API. |
[DT-040977] Process Mining: Cost Analyser should allow the use of different attributes | The Cost Analyzer now has the ability to allow users to select different attributes for the activity as well as the duration of the activity. |
[DT-041054] Add API to to fetch Decisions version number inside Process Mining module | Process Mining can now determine what version of Decisions a User has. |
[DT-041111] Possibility to select an X axis relative to which a ratio measure should be computed in custom dashboard | New options for computing relative measure have been added to custom dashboards. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041166] Process Mining: LogInfoAbstract error in Analyser | Fixed a rare error. |
[DT-040946] Process Mining: Analyzer - Create Case Entity: The designer folder gets created in the 'Folders' tab which is a forbidden behavior in 9x. | Creating a Case Entity within Process Mining will no longer create designer folders in v9 installs of Decisions. |
[DT-041020] Process Mining: Diagnoser - RCA: The Node Stats layer is displayed even after double-clicking on a node. | The Node Stats layer will no longer remain displayed after double-clicking on a node in the Root Case Analyzer. |
[DT-041134] Errors in the dashboard and charts on the map when there is no resource in a log | Fixed an error that occurred when double-clicking an activity in the Analyzer. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041432] Process Mining - Custom dashboard - Table: The info in the 'Instructions' needs to be updated. | The help text for Tables in Custom Dashboards has been updated. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041012] Process Mining: Diagnoser - Impact Analyzer: The outcome value changes to 'Case Duration' when intermediate metric is enabled & a filter is re-applied. | Fixed a bug that caused the outcome value changes to 'Case Duration' when the intermediate metric is enabled in the Impact Analyzer of Diagnoser plugin and a filter is re-applied to the log. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041390] Process Mining - Filter Setting - Fix tooltip label for duplicate and settings | Fixed the tooltip label for the Duplicate button and the Settings button. |
[DT-041015] Process Mining: Filters - Frequency & Duration: The selected Activities/Handovers are removed when loading saved filters. | Activity and Handover filters will no longer be removed after they have been saved. |
SPC Analyzer
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041022] Process Mining - SPC Analyzer: The format of the timestamp value is invalid. | Timestamps are now formatted properly and will not cause issues inside the SPC Analyzer. |
[DT-041014] Process Mining - SPC Analyzer: An error occurs when an attribute is selected to assess for a grouping of a boolean 'Value' to be shown in a P chart | Trying to assess the a groping of a Boolean value on an attribute will not longer cause an error in the SPC Analyzer. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041269] Process Mining: /api-docs page is not reachable | Fixed a bug that prevented users from getting to the API page. |
[DT-041191] Process Mining: An error occurs after logging in to the portal - when the incorrect SSL Key values are corrected and the service is restarted. | Fixing SSL key values will no longer prevent log-in with the correct SSL key. |
[DT-039067] Process Mining: The portal looks distorted after a clean installation intermittently. | Fixed a visual bug. |
[DT-040674] Cannot Enable HTTPS in the Process Mining Installer | HTTPS can now be enabled during the installation process. |
[DT-040815] Process Mining FR - Set Agent Password During Installation | Users now set up their password at the time of install. |
Variant Explorer
DT Title | Description |
[DT-041275] Sorting case table does not work correctly in Variant Explorer | Fixed a bug when sorting tables in the Variant Explorer. |
[DT-040274] Possibility to visualize variants stats in custom dashboards | All Variant stats are now able to be visualized on a custom dashboard. |
[DT-040224] Possibility to create multi-column tables | Tables in custom dashboards can now have more than two columns. |
[DT-041038] Process Mining: Compliance Checker - Control Flow: The log animation window does not appear for variant details. | The Log Animation window now properly appears for Variants. |
[DT-041116] Process Mining: Null Pointer in LogInfoAbstractLite | Fixed a bug that would occur when clicking on an activity in the Variant Explorer. |
DT Title | Description |
[DT-040585] If null value is selected from activity then it should show 'null' instead of empty string in filter description | Selecting a null value from an activity will now show that it is null instead of just appearing empty. |
[DT-041335] Process Mining - Dashboard: Errors occur while navigating and changing the view on the 'Resource' tab. | Errors will no longer occur when navigating to the Resource tab after changing SSL key values and restarting. |
[DT-041169] Process Mining: Exception thrown by HandoverStats | Fixed an error involving Handovers. |
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