Setting Column Properties
  • 10 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Setting Column Properties

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Article summary

In the Report Designer, the added Data Fields appear as columns, and the corresponding data appears in each row. When the name of a Data Field is selected, the Properties for the selected field will automatically populate. The default settings for columns are in place to ensure that the Report populates with data as expected during runtime.

Data Source

This section assigns the data source for the information in the selected column. The Name references the Data Source configured in the Report, and the Field references the values for the selected Data Field. 


This section offers some general settings to configure for the column.  

Setting NameDescription
TitleChange the column's title to something other than the default Data Field name.
WidthChange the width of the column based on pixel measurement.
Is ResponsiveWhen set to True, the column width automatically adjusts to accommodate the entire Report.
VisibleDetermine whether or not the column is visible in the Report at runtime.
Can SortDetermines if the column can be sorted.
SortingDetermines if the column values default to ascending or descending assortment.
Note that ascending order is determined via ICU (International Components for Unicode) Order. 
Can Edit Determines if the column can be edited at runtime (for normal Reports, the option Editable will also need to be enabled to allow inline editing
Can GroupDetermines if the column values can be grouped.
Allow Line BreaksAllows line breaks to appear in the Report.
Filter ModeAllows the default filter to be the filter defined in the Report, a filter on the data set, or no filter. 
Is LinkEnabled if the value is expected to be formatted as a URL link. 
Include In PrintDetermines if the column is viewable in the print format of the Report.
Send Data as Filter Change SourceEnables the option to use the data for this column as the Report's source for a filter change. The Filter Change Source Name is configured so that the filter will also apply to the defined source.
Hide Column TextEnabling this setting will hide the text within the column, which proves beneficial when utilizing Icon Flows on columns. By doing so, display only the icons without the accompanying text of the data field, providing a cleaner and more focused presentation.


The Formatting section provides settings that change how the text in the column is displayed.

Setting NameDescription
AlignmentText Alignment: Left, Right, or Center options
Text Display OptionsOptions to Wrap text, Not Wrap text, or Preserve All Spaces
FormatThe drop-down options will change based on the data type of the column. There is the Other option to provide custom formatting. Custom Date & Time Formatting. This setting can format dates, integers, and decimals.
Color RulesThe field will render a color depending on how the data evaluates against the Rule parameters.
ViewOverride the default font settings or provide a name for a custom CSS class that the column can reference.


Users have the ability to custom-sort the Report based on specific values. These values must be entered in a list format under the "Specific Values Sort". The Report will load the sorted data accordingly at runtime.

Note: If the User has a custom sort specified in a Column, they should either Turn off the Use Paging or Turn on the In-Memory Data Pagination setting from the Report Properties for the data to be sorted correctly.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionDateDeveloper Task
Ability to hide text on Report Viewer
September 28, 2023[DT-038392]
Report Viewer View - Ability to specify default Column Widths
8.13September 28, 2023[DT-038437]
For further information on Reports, visit the Decisions Forum.

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