Output Reports
  • 06 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Output Reports

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Article summary

After a Report has been created, configured, and implemented, if desired, Reports can be exported and output either as an Excel file, a PDF, a .decobj file, or sent as an email, for use outside of the Decisions Studio.

This is achieved through via the Report Viewer's onboard Download Actions, and can be customized via defining a Report Output Template, or creating a Report Output Handler Flow

Download/Send Report 

Reports can be downloaded or sent by accessing the Report Viewer's Download/Send Report Actions via the primary Actions menu. Upon selection, the Download/Send Report window provides the following options for export.

Property Function 
Report Distribution TypeDictates whether the file is downloaded/exported as file, or sent as an Email.

Download Exports the Report as a formatted file for use outside of the Decisions Server.

Settings Provides definition for how the Report is exported.

FormatUsed to select desired file type of the exported Report; can be either Excel or Pdf.

Output TypeSelects and applies the desired Report Output Template to the exported Report.

Advanced > ViewsProvides additional definition options for the Report, provides the Views option which allows the choice of which View to display on the Report.

Email DistributionAllows the initiating user to send the Report as an Email, with a user-defined recipient, Subject, and Message. 

After dictating the properties of the Report as desired, clicking PROCEED directs the user to the following screens:

Export View

Provides the Download Exported Report link; selecting this link downloads the Report in the selected Format with the previously selected properties applied. 

Send Report

Provides an empty window for defining the email the exported Report will be attached to. The window provides the following fields.

Email Addresses Defines the recipient of the exported Report as well as the affiliate email.
SubjectUsed to dictate the Subject line of the sent email. 
MessageText editor field used to give the sent email body text. 

Report Output Template

Report Output Templates provide custom formatting to a downloaded Excel format Report. Report Output Templates are defined by selecting the ADD EXCEL TEMPLATE button in the Decisions Studio via the System > Designers > Report Output > Templates Folder.

From the resulting Add Template window, the following sections and sub-sections are used to define the Template as desired.

DataProvides identification info for the Template within the Studio/Portal including the Name and Description. 
Template Properties Used to configure the formatting of the uploaded Template file including Row and Colum configurations. 

ChartsAllows the option to add Charts to the output Excel file. 

Column HeadersPertains to the inclusion or omission of the file's Column Headers; provides additional configurations regarding visual aspects of the headers. 

Data GroupingFormats how data is grouped together on the output Report. 

Report Output Handler Flow

Through use of the Report Output Handler Flow Behavior, configuration of an output Report can be customized through the use of the Flow Step Toolbox.

Though similar, this Flow Behavior affords additional Report options that aren't provided by the standard Report Output Template properties, allowing for more detailed formatting. 

Once configured, Report Output Handler Flows can be applied to a Report as desired, and selected from the Report's Output Type options in the Download/Send Report window. 

For further information on Reports, visit the Decisions Forum.

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