Integration Step Glossary
  • 09 Dec 2021
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Integration Step Glossary

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Article summary


The following article details all steps found in the Integration category in the Step Toolbox.

Step NameDescriptionLocation Inputs/Outputs
Add Group To UserThe Add Group to User component adds a user to a group based on the entered email and group name defined in the input variables.
System > Accounts
Email Address (String), Group Name (String)

Output (String)
Create Account

The Create Account component creates a new Decisions account from the defined email and password passed in. It outputs the account id for the new account once it has been created.

System > Accounts
Email Address (String), Password (String)

Output (String)
Get Assignment Role For Folder By Name Or Id

The Get My Assignment Count step is used to return the number of assignments in an user's inbox cache. This value is returned in the Form of a Int32 numerical value.

System > Assignment
Folder Id (String), Role Name Or Id (String)

Output (AssignmentRole)
Convert CSV To ExcelThe Convert CSV to Excel component converts CSV tabular data to the Excel format.
Data > Excel & CSV
Ignore First Line (Boolean), Input (FileData), Skip Blank Lines (Boolean), Try To Format Numbers (Boolean), Type (CSVFileType)

Output (FileData)
CSV To Object Mapping
Import Excel or CSVThe Import Excel or CSV component converts imported CSV values from an Excel or CSV File into a user-determined DataType.
Data > Excel & CSV
File Data (FileData)

Imported Data (List of [SelectedDataType]),
CSV To Object Mapping

The Mapping Step is used as a means to alter the value of a piece of stored data. The step takes Input from whatever preceding steps are attached to it. By using a Build Data mapping on an Input data type, users are able to adjust individual parameters of the data rather than the entire data object. This includes mapping values from a different data type onto another's Inputs. See attached screenshots and documentation for further detail. 

Data > Excel & CSV
File Input (FileData)

Get Row As Array

The Get Row As Array step can be found under Integrations > Excel & CSV. This step reads the Excel document inputted and returns a list of strings from each column in the row. A user must provide an Excel document, choose a file type, and list the number of the row that will be read. The user should also specify whether to include the first row and empty columns or not.

Data > Excel & CSV

File (FileData), File Type (CSVFileType), Worksheet Number (Int32), Row Number (Int32), Ignore First Row (Boolean), Include Empty Columns (Boolean)

Output (List of String)
Run Report

The Run Report step runs a user-defined Report and outputs the results in the form of a Complex, Data Rows, CSV File, Report Data, Excel, or PDF. This Output type is defined via the Return Data Option dropdown in the Properties tab.

Designer Entities > Reporting

Report (FileData)
Create File

The Create File step allows a user to map file data contents (bytes) into the step to create a new file. Under the File Data, map contents (list of bytes) to the Data input. Afterwards, choose a File Name. The output will be the created file with data from the flow.

File Management
Data (List of Bite), File Name (String)

Add Group To User By Account IdThe Add Group to User By Account Id component adds a user to a group based on the entered account Id and group name defined in the input variables. 
Integration > Accounts
Account Id, Group Name

Get Current Account

This step examines and returns the current account either debugging or running the Flow. It outputs the account datatype without taking in any inputs. This step examines and returns the current account either debugging or running the Flow. It outputs the account datatype without taking in any inputs.

Integration > Accounts
Data (List of Bite), File Name (String)

Run Approval FlowRuns a prebuilt Sub Flow for handling approval requests. This allows users to direct output from a Flow into either an Approval or Rejection path.

Integration > Approvals
Depends on the Flow

Depends on the Flow
Copy FlowThe Copy Flow step is used to duplicate a user designated Flow. The step utilizes a flow Id Input to determine which Flow to copy, the New Name Input to determine the Flow's name, and the Destination Folder Id Input to determine where the Flow will be copied to. Once ran, the step outputs the newly created Flow Id, and copies the Flow into the designated Folder. The Copy Flow step is used to duplicate a user designated Flow. The step utilizes a flow Id Input to determine which Flow to copy, the New Name Input to determine the Flow's name, and the Destination Folder Id Input to determine where the Flow will be copied to. Once ran, the step outputs the newly created Flow Id, and copies the Flow into the designated Folder.

Integration > Designer Projects
Destination Folder Id, Flow Id, New Name

Batch insert Entities (Save Pending)The Batch Insert Entities (saves pending) step allows the data being stored in memory to empty before the specified time. This step executes the process when all data has been filtered through. View documentation for more information. 
Integration > Entity Framework

Delete All of TypeThe Delete All of Type step deletes all data objects of a user specified data type. The step utilizes the Type Name input to determine which data objects to delete. 
Integration > Entity Framework
Type Name

Delete EntitiesThe Delete Entities step is used to delete pieces of data from a user defined data type. The step determines which data to delete, similarly to how a Fetch Entities step collects data, through the use of a set Type Name, any applicable Extension Type Name, the Parent Folder Id, and Fetch Criteria. Successful completion of the Flow results in deletion of the configured data. The Delete Entities step is used to delete pieces of data from a user defined data type. The step determines which data to delete, similarly to how a Fetch Entities step collects data, through the use of a set Type Name, any applicable Extension Type Name, the Parent Folder Id, and Fetch Criteria. Successful completion of the Flow results in deletion of the configured data. 

Integration > Entity Framework
Type Name, Extension Type Name, Fetch Criteria.

Delete EntityThe Delete Entity component logically deletes an entity from it's folder. The Delete Entity component logically deletes an entity from it's Folder. 
Integration > Entity Framework
Entity Id

Fetch EntitiesThe Fetch Entities step is used to pull data for a user defined data type into a workflow. Users may define specific fields and matching criteria via the Fetch Criteria input. The step outputs two separate output paths, one for when the step turns Results, and one to express when No Results are found. The Fetch Entities step is used to pull data for a user defined data type into a workflow. Users may define specific fields and matching criteria via the Fetch Criteria input. The step outputs two separate output paths, one for when the step turns Results, and one to express when No Results are found. 
Integration > Entity Framework
Parent Folder Id.

Get Count

The Get Count step returns a a count of all objects pertaining to a user configured data type. The step behaves similar to a Fetch Entities step in that it asks for a Parent Folder, a Type Name, if applicable, an Extension Type Name, and Fetch Criteria. The step returns this value in the form of a numerical value. The Get Count step returns a a count of all objects pertaining to a user configured data type. The step behaves similar to a Fetch Entities step in that it asks for a Parent Folder, a Type Name, if applicable, an Extension Type Name, and Fetch Criteria. The step returns this value in the form of a numerical value.

Integration > Entity Framework
Parent Folder Id.

Get ODBCSchema Collection with Restrictions

This step allows users to specify the index they want to pull data from as determined by the Category, Owner, Table, and TableType.

Integration > Database > ODBC
Collection Name, Collection String, Restrictions, Catalog, Owner, Table, TableType

Get ODBCSchema with Restrictions_Output

Internal Services > Object Services

Step NameDescriptionInputs / Outputs
Break LockThe Break Lock step destroys any object locking on its the specified Object via its ID. To relock this step, an entirely new lock must be set. Inputs: Object ID (String)
Output: None
Can Be Locked By MeThe Can Be Locked By Me step allows the logged-in account to lock the specified Object via its ID.Inputs: Object ID (String)
Output: None
Can Be Locked For Specified UserThe Can Be Locked By Specified User step allows the user specified via user ID and email address to lock the specified Object via its ID.
Inputs: Email Address (String), User ID (String), Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Is LockedThe Is Locked rule step checks if the specified Object is or is not locked.Inputs: Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Is Locked By MeThe Is Locked By Me rule step checks if the specified Object is or is not locked by the logged-in account.
Inputs: Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Is Locked By Me
The Is Locked For Specified User rule step checks if the specified Object is or is not locked for the specified user via user ID and email address.
Inputs: Email Address (String), User ID (String), Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Locked UntilThe Locked Until step locks the specified Object for the designated time span.Inputs: Lock for Time (TimeSpan), Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Lock ObjectThe Lock Object step locks the specified Object via its ID. By locking the object, users cannot open nor edit the object until it is unlocked.Inputs: Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Release LockThe Release Lock step unlocks the specified Object via its ID of object locking. Any locks previously on the object still exist and can be reapplied in the future; no new locks are needed.Inputs: Object ID (String)
Outputs: None
Release Lock For Specified UserThe Release Lock For Specified User step unlocks the specified Object via its ID for the user specified via  user ID and email address. Any locks previously on the object still exist and can be reapplied in the future; no new locks are needed. Inputs: Email Address (String), User ID (String), Object ID (String) 
Outputs: None

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