Header Container Layout
  • 27 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Header Container Layout

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Article summary


The Header Container Layout acts as a container with its own title header. It allows controls and other layouts to be added inside and has the ability for the contents to be collapsable.


The Header Container Layout control is located in the Toolbox panel under the LAYOUTS category. In the Properties panel for the Header Container, under the SETTINGS category, the Part Type dropdown list offers various customization options for the Header Container.

Setting NameDescription
BaseContentHeader Container is its own distinguished section of the Form or Page

ContainerMakes the Header Container transparent

ChildShrinks the title bar to make it appear secondary to the default BaseContent setting

ChromelessMakes the Header Container transparent and strips away the header so the Container renders like it doesn't have any appearance-related properties
Use Custom TitleToggles use of a custom title's format for the Header, prompts for which Folder this format is located when enabled
Hide TitlebarAllows selection to hide/unhide the title by directly choosing those options or choosing according to the Portal settings
Use Small TitlebarAllows selection to use a small title bar by directly choosing those options or choosing according to the Portal settings
Is CollapsibleAllows selection for the Header to be collapsible by directly choosing those options or choosing according to the Portal settings (can be set to load collapsed by also setting the Initially Visible setting to false)  

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