Adding Report Columns at Runtime
  • 20 Oct 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding Report Columns at Runtime

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Article summary


In some instances, adding a column to a Report is necessary to display more information to the end-user. At runtime, this option will allow the end-user to pick and choose which columns will be displayed on a Report. The following tutorial will demonstrate how to configure this feature.


  1. In a Designer Folder, select CREATE REPORT. Select and name a default Report [Adding Columns]. Click CREATE.
  2. In the Report Designer, click Add under Data Sources
  3. Locate and select Account Data Source.
  4. Next, click Add under Data Fields.
  5. Locate and select Email Address and Created on Date.
  6.  Next, navigate to the Properties panel > SETTINGS > Can Add Columns drop-down list and select Yes.
  7.  Then, enable the Can Add Multiple Columns boolean.
  8. Select Run Report from the top action panel; this will automatically save the Report.
  9. Navigate to the abacus icon on the Report Viewer.
  10. Select Add Column; this will allow the end-user to add multiple columns to an existing Report. Click ADD.
  11. APPLY the changes when desired. 

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