Is Current
  • 13 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Is Current

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Article Summary

Step Details

Introduced in Version4.0.0
Last Modified in Version7.12.0

The Is Current step provides a True/False Rule step that compares a Process Folder's current state to a defined value for the step. If the state matches the defined value, the step will output as True. 



PropertyDescriptionData Type
StateThe string that is compared to the Process Folder's State field.String

Common Errors

Cannot use step on Flows without a Process Folder

The step requires the use of a Process Folder within a Flow in order to be used. If the following error is thrown, ensure that the Flow utilizes a Process Folder.

Exception Message:

Exception Stack Trace: DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.ErrorRunningFlowStep: Error running step Is Current 1[IsCurrent] in flow [Testing]: Exception invoking method IsCurrent on class InfrastructureStepMethods ---> DecisionsFramework.LoggedException: Exception invoking method IsCurrent on class InfrastructureStepMethods ---> DecisionsFramework.LoggedException: Cannot use step on flows without a process folder
   at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.CoreSteps.InfrastructureStepMethods.IsCurrent(String state) 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.StepImplementations.InvokeMethodStep.Run(StepStartData data)
   at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.RunStepInternal(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, KeyValuePairDataStructure[] stepRunDataValues, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData)
   at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData) 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

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