Get Document Monitor List By Document Header ID/Name/Parent ID
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Get Document Monitor List By Document Header ID/Name/Parent ID

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version8.15
Last Modified in Version--
LocationIntegration > TruCap+ > Document Monitor

This article covers 3 steps users can use to retrieve the Document Monitor List. Each step uses a unique parameter. The following table describes all the three steps.


  • This step requires the TruCap+ Module to be installed before it will be available in the toolbox. 
  • The TruCap+ application must be configured with an active license to run the TruCap+ Steps.
Step NameDescription
Get Document Monitor List By Document Header Id
Retrieves the list of documents based on its Document ID from the document monitor
Get Document Monitor List By Document NameRetrieves the list of documents based on its Document Name from the document monitor
Get Document Monitor List By Parent Id
Retrieves the list of documents based on its Parent ID from the document monitor



PropertyDescriptionData Type
Authentication**When the user is Logged in to the TruCap+ application, the application will return a response that includes the Security Identifier (SID) and Token.
Users need to pass the received SID and Token in this field.
Document ID*Enter the Document ID Int32
Document Name*Enter the Name of the DocumentString
Parent ID*Enter the Parent ID of the DocumentInt32

**This is a common input field across all three steps.
*These are unique input fields across each of the three steps.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Override Base URLURL to override the Base URL configured in Settings.
This can be used if you want to use multiple instances of the TruCap+ application.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Done > OutputThis will retrieve the following list of document details:
DocumentID, Category, Project, Subtype, DocumentName, ParentID, CurrentStage, Duration, DateReceived, Prioritized, UserAllocated, ReadabilityScore, NextAction, and CurrentStageCode.
List of DocumentMonitorResponse

Related Articles:

TruCap+: This article gives a detailed overview of the Module.

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