Execute Python Simple Script
  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Execute Python Simple Script

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Article summary

Step Details

Introduced in Version9.7.0
Last Modified in Version9.7.0
LocationIntegration > Python

The Execute Python Simple Script step allows users to execute simple Python scripts in a Flow optimized for better performance when used with the "Run Flows for List" function.


This step requires the Python module to be installed and added as a dependency to your project before it becomes available in the toolbox.

Configure the Python module settings (System > Settings > Python Module Settings) by adding the Python DLL path in the DLL Path property. The DLL path typically looks like this: C:\Users\[the user you are logged in as]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python312.dll.



PropertyDescriptionData Type
ParameterParameters are the input variables to the Python script. Click on the "Show Editor" to add custom Parameters.Any (based on script)
Script FilePython script to executeFileData


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Method NameMain Python function/method name (entry point to the script)String
Script FileThe Python script file to executeFileData


PropertyDescriptionData Type
ErrorDisplays the error message when executing the scriptString
SuccessDisplays the output string of the executed scriptString


The Execute Python Simple Script step is designed for simple Python scripts that:

  • Do not reference any external libraries.
  • Do not interact with the file System.

This step is optimized for better performance when used with the "Run Flows for List" function, addressing the issue of response time degradation over time that is present in the "Execute Python Script" step.

Common Errors

No NumPy Module

This error occurs when the Python script attempts to use the NumPy library but is not installed. To resolve this, follow these steps:

  • Open Command Prompt: Navigate to the Python directory in your System
  • Upgrade pip: Run the command `python -m pip install --upgrade pip`
  • Install NumPy: Run the command `python -m pip install numpy`
  • Retry the Flow: After installing NumPy, rerun the Flow.

This should resolve the error related to the missing NumPy module.

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