Run Sub Flow Step
  • 13 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Run Sub Flow Step

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Article Summary

Step Details

Introduced in Version---
Modified in Version---
LocationDesigner Entities > Flows, Favorite Steps 

The Run Sub Flow/Run Flow/Pick or Create Flow step allows a user to isolate and reuse a group of steps within other Flows.  



PropertyDescriptionData Type
Additional Data For FlowProvides input data to a Flow where the exact input data parameters are unknown at design time

Output data nameName of the data---

Data typeThe data type for the data

Can be nullAllows the data to have a null value

Is listDefines the data as a list

SelectEditorAllows the user access to the PropertyEditor selector which allows users to select from a dropdown list of properties that can be applied to the data
Run Flow Async and WaitExecutes the sub-flow on a separate thread---
Selection Type

PickAllows the user to pick a child Flow that runs once the parent Flow progresses to the Run Flow State

Runtime SelectionInitializes the child Flow at runtime, reduces memory demands of parent Flow, prevents crashing

Champion/ChallengerInitializes the child Flow against other child Flows against changing logic to promote the most optimal solution
PICK OR CREATE TARGETChoosing a Target will allow the user to map in the inputs and see the outputs of a Flow. To run a dynamic Flow that takes in Inputs, those inputs can be specified if the Target includes the same inputs.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Target IDThe ID of the Flow that is being called on whenever the Run Sub Flow is reached in a process at Runtime.

Related Information

Forum Posts:
Start Linked Flow Async - Error
Async Subflow Processing The Same Data
Calling A Flow Asynchronously Via REST

For further information on Flows, visit the Decisions Forum.

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