Merge Step
  • 11 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Merge Step

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Article summary

Step Details

Introduced in Version---
Last Modified in Version---
LocationFlow Management > Branching

The Merge Step can be configured to cancel all other pending branch assignments in a Flow process. The Merge step has the option to factor in certain conditions. For example, if a Split step Branches out to five different Approvals but only requires two, the Merge step will then Cancel the three unworked Tasks that were previously assigned. 

Branch and Merge Steps do not create Parallel Processes and should only be used with Assigned Forms to create Parallel Approvals.



PropertyDescriptionData Type
Cancel Pending FormsCancels all pending Assignments that have not yet been satisfied or completed, if set to true
Cancel ReasonStored as a comment within a Process Folder if a Process Folder is being utilized

Merge Data

PropertyDescriptionData Type
AllowCancelMergeEnables the ability to cancel an Approval task---

Include Sub Flows

If Sub-Flows are within the Branch, users may need to set this to  True.

It is important to understand the Scope. For example, there's a flow called Flow A. Flow A contains sub-flow B, and Flow B contains sub-flow C. If a user uses the Include Sub-Flows merge type in Flow B then, it will only merge in sub-flow C.


This Flow OnlyApplies the merge in the current Flow

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