The Delete All of Type step deletes all data objects of a user-specified data type. The step utilizes the Type Name input to determine which data objects to delete.
The Delete All of Type in Folder step deletes all data objects of a user-specified type in the specified folder via the Folder ID. The step utilizes the Type Name input to determine which data objects to delete.
The Properties section describes every property/setting available for that specific step. The tables within the settings should have the property name, a brief description, and the data type that the property is expecting/outputting. Include a screenshot of the step in use in a Flow. Also include related forum posts and example labs.
Entity Fetch Definition
Property Name
Data Type
Type Name
Type of the objects to delete.
Property Name
Data Type
Respect Permissions
If enabled, the step will not delete entities until the user has the minimum 'CanUse' permission for that folder.
Property Name
Data Type
Folder Id *Only available on the Delect All of Type in Folder step
Folder Id of the Folder to delete the specified objects within.
Step Changes
Developer Task
Properties were reorganized and names were made consistent.