Create Folder
  • 02 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create Folder

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Article Summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version4.0.0
Last Modified in Version7.12.0
LocationIntegration > Google Drive

The Create Folder step creates a new folder within a specified location in a user's Google Drive account. This step is particularly useful when needing to automate the organization of files and documents within Google Drive.


This step requires the Google Drive module to be installed before it will be available in the toolbox. 



PropertyDescriptionData Type
CredentialThe authentication credentials or access token required to authorize and authenticate the operation.GoogleDriveCredential
New Folder NameSpecify the new folder's name to create in Google Drive. The name should be unique within the parent folder and will be used to identify the folder.
Parent Folder IDThis input represents the ID of the parent folder within Google Drive to create the new folder. The new folder will be created within this specified parent folder. The folder will be created at the root level if a Parent Folder ID is not provided.

Find the ID: In Google Drive, locate the file or folder, right-click, and select "Get Link" or "Share". A window will pop up displaying the sharing settings for the file or folder. The link will look something like the following: or Get File List and Get Folder List steps will also return File and Folder IDs.


PropertyDescriptionData Type
Error InfoThis output provides information about any errors or issues that may have occurred during the execution of this step. It contains error codes, error descriptions, or other relevant error details.
ResultThis output contains the new folder ID, name, description, and the sharing link. It confirms the successful creation of the folder.

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