Call Internal Decisions Service
- 20 Mar 2024
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Call Internal Decisions Service
- Updated on 20 Mar 2024
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Step Details | |
Introduced in Version | 9.0.0 |
Last Modified in Version | 9.0.0 |
Location | Integration > Internal Services |
The Call Internal Decisions Service step replaces the individual Steps that appeared in early version. It retains all of the original functionality of the prior Steps, and simply bundles them together into a single, highly configurable, Step.
There are no prerequisites.
Internal Service Settings
Property | Description | Data Type |
Service Name | A list of each available service. Selecting a service provides a description of the service. | N/A |
In Module | The module in which the selected service resides. | N/A |
Description | Brief description of the selected service and what it does. | N/A |
Method Name | The Decision method used by the Service. | N/A |
Available Service and Description
Name | Description |
AccountService | The AccountService API is an API endpoint for Decisions. It is responsible for handling interactions with user accounts within the application. The AccountService API provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting user accounts, as well as retrieving information about specific user accounts. It also allows for the management of JWT tokens and user sessions. |
ActiveDirectoryServices | N/A |
AddressService | N/A |
ApprovalChainEntityService | N/A |
ApprovalService | N/A |
AppStoreService | The App Store Service is used to retrieve apps and modules for the App Store page of the My Apps folder. It also handles the installation of the apps and modules. |
Assignment | |
AssociationService | |
BuildVersionService | |
BusinessMetricService | |
CacheFetcherService | |
CaseEditorService | N/A |
ChartService | N/A |
ChartSettingsService | |
CityInfoService | The CityInfoService API provides users with the ability to retrieve a city's information from the database, as well as retrieve all cities in a county. |
ClientStatisticsService | |
Comment | |
CommonDesignerService | |
ContactInfoService | |
ContactOrderPreferenceService | |
ContatctPriorityService | |
ContainerHostService | |
CountryInfoService | |
CountyInfoService | |
CssService | |
CustomFormBaseService | |
DatabaseTableDefinitionService | |
DatabaseViewDefinitionService | |
DataDefinitionsEditService | |
DataDesignerService | |
DataStructureService | |
DebugDataService | |
DesignerRepositoryActionsService | |
DesignerRepositoryClientService | |
DesignPatternService | |
DocumentService | |
EmailAddressService | |
EntityActionsFolderService | |
EntityAliasService | |
EntityDetailsService | |
EntityPickerService | |
ExcelService | |
ExecutionService | |
ExternalServiceReferenceService | |
FavoriteService | |
FileReferenceService | |
FlowDebugService | |
FlowEditService | |
FlowExecutionExtensionActionsFolder | |
FlowExecutionService | |
FlowProfileService | |
FlowRuleExecutionAPIService | |
FolderBehaviorActionsFolderService | |
FolderService | |
FolderUserActionService | |
FormDesignerService | |
FormService | |
FrameworkUnitTestService | |
GroupService | |
IDGeneration | |
Image | |
ImportExportService | |
InputDataService | |
InstanceService | |
InstantMessengerService | |
MaintenanceModeService | |
MappingDataService | |
MatrixRuleDebugService | |
MatrixRuleEditService | |
MatrixRuleExecutionService | |
MessageServerEndpoint | |
MessagingService | |
NamedSessionService | |
NotificationService | |
OAuthTokenService | The OAuthTokenService API endpoint within the Decisions web application. It allows users to securely exchange OAuth tokens for access to protected resources, such as data or functionality, within the application. The endpoint provides a simplified interface for users to manage and refresh their tokens, making it easier to integrate Decisions with other systems that require OAuth authentication. By leveraging the OAuthTokenService, users can ensure secure access to their data and streamline their workflow processes within the Decisions application. |
ObjectLockService | |
OtherContactService | |
PageService | |
PeerCacheService | |
PersonalizationService | |
PopularEntitiesService | |
PortalLockService | |
PrintExportService | |
ProcessMiningService | |
ProfileSessionService | |
ProjectConversionService | |
ProjectToDoService | |
ProjectViewService | |
PropertyEditorService | |
QueryDefinitionService | N/A |
RecentPickedEntityService | |
ReportingService | |
ReportViewService | |
ReportViewService | |
RepositoryClientSSOService | |
RestAPIExecutionService | |
RuleDebugService | |
RuleEditService | |
RuleExecutionService | |
RuleSetEditService | |
RuleSetService | |
RuleTableService | |
SampleService | |
ScheduledJobService | |
SchedulingService | |
SequentialService | |
ServiceCatalogService | |
ServiceInformationService | |
SSOService | |
StateInfoService | |
SupportService | |
TableRelationshipService | |
TaggingService | |
TextMergeEditService | |
TextMergeService | |
ThemeService | |
TileDataReturnService | |
TileReturnService | |
ToolboxHelpService | |
TranslationService | |
TruthTableService | |
UnitTestService | |
UserDefinedControlService | |
UserMessageService | The UserMessageService API is a web service that allows users to send, receive, and manage messages within the Decisions web application. It provides a simple and efficient way for users to communicate and collaborate with one another, ensuring that important notifications and information are delivered to the intended recipients in a timely manner. |
ValidationIssueService | The ValidationIssueService API is a dedicated web service that allows users to retrieve system validations in their Decisions instance. |
WebHookService |
Step Changes
Description | Version | Date | Developer Task |
Added to platform | 9.0 | March 2024 | N/A |
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