Call Internal Decisions Service
  • 10 Jan 2025
  • 16 Minutes to read
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Call Internal Decisions Service

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Article summary

Step Details
Introduced in Version9.0.0
Last Modified in Version9.7.0
LocationIntegration > Internal Services

The Call Internal Decisions Service step replaces the individual Steps that appeared in early version. It retains all of the original functionality of the prior Steps, and simply bundles them together into a single, highly configurable, Step.

Each Service has a list of possible Methods that provide different functionality.


There are no prerequisites.


Internal Service Settings

PropertyDescriptionData Type
Service NameA list of each available service. Selecting a service provides a description of the service.N/A
In ModuleThe module in which the selected service resides.N/A
DescriptionBrief description of the selected service and what it does.N/A
Method NameThe Decision method used by the Service.N/A

Available Service and Description

Service NameDescription
AccountServiceThe AccountService API is an API endpoint for Decisions. It is responsible for handling interactions with user accounts within the application. The AccountService API provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting user accounts, as well as retrieving information about specific user accounts. It also allows for the management of JWT tokens and user sessions.
ActiveDirectoryServicesThe Active Directory Services Service Method is related to Active Directory Services. It  involves operations such as managing user accounts, groups, and permissions within an Active Directory environment. This  includes tasks like creating, updating, or deleting user accounts, managing group memberships, and setting access controls.
AddressServiceAddress Service holds all the methods used to managing addresses within Decisions. It allows users to add and delete addresses and maintains the different elements that make up address data.
ApprovalChainEntityServiceApprovalChainEntityService is obsolete and was responsible for managing approval chain entities. It provides methods for creating level rules, retrieving rule text, as well as creating and retrieving approval chain entity contexts.
ApprovalServiceApproval Service helps Approval Chains work.
AppStoreServiceThe App Store Service is used to retrieve apps and modules for the App Store page of the My Apps folder. It also handles the installation of the apps and modules.
AssignmentAssignment manages how Assignments work and makes sure that they are assigned to the correct accounts.
AssociationServiceAssociationService is responsible for managing associations between different entities. It provides methods for adding, deleting, and retrieving association types and associations.
BuildVersionServiceBuild Version Service provides users with what version of Decisions they are running.
BusinessMetricServiceBusiness Metric Service allows for Business Metric data to be captured and retrieved.
CacheFetcherServiceCache Fetcher Service is the method that retrieves the data that resides in the system cache.
CaseEditorServiceCase Editor handles functionality related to Case Entities.
ChartServiceChart Service is responsible for all aspects of charts. It manages how charts get data and how that data is displayed based on user personalization.
ChartSettingsServiceChart Settings handles the retrieval of chart settings that users have configured.
CityInfoServiceThe CityInfoService API provides users with the ability to retrieve a city's information from the database, as well as retrieve all cities in a county.
ClientStatisticsServiceClient Statistic Service handles the recording and viewing of data collected from the Client Statistics setting.
CommentComment handles all of the comment functionality such as when a Flow is saved and a comment box appears.
CommonDesignerServiceCommon Designer Service handles how Design Patterns work in Designers across the platform. It also handles Sessions for Designers.
ContactInfoServiceContact Info provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting element registrations, as well as retrieving element usages and managing folder configurations.
ContatctPriorityServiceThe Contact Priority Service API is a web service that allows the user to get the highest priority contact method, as well as a specific priority by name.
ContainerHostServiceContainer Host Service provides updates on the health of a container and allows for Containers to shut down.
CountryInfoServiceThe Country Info Service API is a web service that returns the CountryInfo entry from the database for the specified country name.
CountyInfoServiceCounty Info Service handles all the functionality needed for the County data type.
CssServiceAll CSS functionality is derived from CSS Service.
CustomFormBaseServiceCustom Form Base Service allows Forms to be run as Steps in Flows.
DatabaseTableDefinitionServiceDatabase Table Integrations are handled through the Database Table Definition Service.
DatabaseViewDefinitionServiceDatabase View Integrations are handled through the Database View Definition Service.
DataDefinitionsEditServiceData Definitions Edit Service is responsible for all functionality of the Data Definition feature.
DataDesignerServiceThe Data Structure editor is handled by the Data Designer Service.
DataStructureServiceThe DataStructure Service API is a dedicated web service within the broader Decisions web application. This API is focused on managing various data structures within the application, such as lists, dictionaries, and sets, which are used to organize and manage data throughout the system.
DebugDataServiceDebug Data is responsible for all the functionality of the Debuggers within the various Designers that use them.
DesignerRepositoryActionsServiceThe Designer Repository Actions Service API is a web service endpoint within the Decisions web application. It is responsible for managing and performing actions on entities within the designer repository, such as adding, removing, deleting, and editing designer entities and their associated information.
DesignerRepositoryClientServiceThe Designer Repository Client Service API is a web service endpoint within the Decisions web application. It allows users to interact with the designer repository, which stores the workflows and business rules that are created within the application. The Designer Repository Client Service API provides various methods for adding, removing, deleting, and editing designer entities, such as workflows or business rules. Additionally, this web service includes special functionality that allows it to perform operations specific to the designer repository, such as managing version control and user permissions.
DesignPatternServiceDesign Pattern Service handles all the functionality of Design Patterns. This includes creating them, modifying them, and applying them.
DocumentServiceThe Document Service API provides methods for managing documents within Decisions. The API allows developers to: Add new documents, Update existing documents, Delete documents, and Retrieve documents based on various criteria. The Document Service API is designed to handle large document volumes, making it suitable for enterprise-grade applications.
EmailAddressServiceThe Email Address Service API is a web service that allows Users to manage email addresses, including creating, updating, and deleting them, as well as getting email addresses for a given account and the account associated with an email address.
EntityActionsFolderServiceEntity Actions Folder Service handles all of the right-click actions on Entities in the Folder view.
EntityAliasServiceEntity Alisa Service manages entity aliases within the system.
EntityDetailsServiceEntity Details Service gives users access to all of the stored details and properties of an Entity.
EntityPickerServiceWhen an Entity is needed for a particular function it is found and selected through the functions of the Entity Picker Service.
ExcelServiceExcel Service handles conversion of Excel and CSV files.
ExecutionServiceExecution Service allows for anything that requires inputs to run.
ExternalServiceReferenceServiceAll External Service functionality, such as being created from different sources, is managed by the External Service Reference Service.
FavoriteServiceThe Favorite Service API is a web service within the Decisions web application that allows users to mark certain entities as favorites. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as saving frequently used entities for easy access, or highlighting important entities for further review or action.
FileReferenceServiceFile Reference Service handles all interactions with files, whether referencing something from File Storage, or downloading data into a file.
FlowDebugServiceFlow Debug Service allows the Debugger to run for Flows.
FlowEditServiceThe Flow Designer is able to run because of the Flow Edit Service. The manipulation of Steps within a Flow, viewing Steps in a Toolbox, and all over similar tasks are managed by this service.
FlowExecutionExtensionActionsFolderFlow Execution Extension Actions Folder Service manages folders created with or containing Flow Execution Extensions.
FlowExecutionServiceFlow Execution Service handles how a Flow actually runs and what happens with the data generated by a Flow.
FlowProfileServiceFlow Profile Service generates data that can be used by the Profiler.
FlowRuleExecutionAPIServiceFlow Rule Execution API Service handles Rules in a Flow being called by API.
FolderBehaviorActionsFolderServiceFolder Behavior Actions Folder Service gives users the various default actions that appear on right-click for a folder. Add permissions is one example.
FolderServiceThe Folder Service is used to add, edit, or remove folders that normally show up in the folder tree. The methods found on this service give control over how Decisions behaves but must be used carefully.
FolderUserActionServiceFolder User Action Service allows users to create and delete User Actions on folders.
FormDesignerServiceForm Designer Service handles how the Form Designer runs and allows users to edit Forms and place or remove controls.
FormServiceThe Form Service API is a specialized endpoint within the Decisions web application. This API allows users to create, edit, and manage forms within the application. It provides methods for adding, removing, deleting, and editing forms, as well as additional functionality specific to the Form Service endpoint. This API can be used to automate specific business processes, and is supported by an advanced user interface, or form builder, and a reporting and analytics engine. The Form Service API is a key component of the Decisions application, and allows users to easily create and manage forms within the application.
GroupServiceThe Group Service API is a web service endpoint in the Decisions web application that allows users to create and manage groups. This API allows users to add, remove, delete, and edit groups, as well as manage the folder permissions of groups.
IDGenerationWhenever an element or piece of data is created it gets an ID because of the ID Generation service.
ImageImage is responsible for all functionality around using images within the platform.
ImportExportServiceImport Export Service handles the Import/Export actions within Projects.
InputDataServiceInput Data Service manages the Input Data menu in the Flow Designer.
InstanceServiceThe Instance Service API is a web service within the Decisions web application that provides methods for getting details on the instances of a multi-tenant environment, as well as add accounts and assign an admin account to an instance.
InstantMessengerServiceThe Instant Messenger Service is an API endpoint That provides methods for managing the instant messenger information associated with users in a Decisions environment.
MaintenanceModeServiceThe Maintenance Mode Service API is a web service within the Decisions web application that allows system administrators to put the entire application into maintenance mode. This can be useful when performing scheduled maintenance, as it ensures that no data changes or updates can be made while the application is in this mode. 
MappingDataServiceMapping Data Service is what allows the mapping editor to function.
MatrixRuleDebugServiceMatrix Rule Debug Service is responsible for the Debugger to run for Matrix Rules.
MatrixRuleEditServiceMatrix Rule Edit Service handles various properties of Matrix Rules such as if sampling data is saved on their executions. The service also manages rollbacks.
MatrixRuleExecutionServiceMatrix Rule Execution Service has all the methods that enable a Matrix Rule to run and return data.
MessageServerEndpointMessage Server Endpoint provides the functionality to connect to servers needed by Message Queues and message modules. It can connect to servers, confirm leases, and retrieve and send messages.
MessagingServiceMessaging Service is what is used to power Message Queue and the various messaging modules. It gets messages and handles Message leases.
NamedSessionServiceThe Named Session Service API is a web service within the Decisions web application that provides functionality related to managing named sessions. A named session is a unique, named reference to a specific workflow execution within Decisions. This allows a user to reference a specific workflow execution by its name, making it easier to track and manage multiple executions of the same workflow.
NotificationServiceThe Notification Service API provides endpoints for triggering notifications to users and systems. The API can be used to send notifications related to workflow tasks, approvals, and other relevant events within the Decisions platform.
OAuthTokenServiceThe OAuth Token Service API endpoint within the Decisions web application. It allows users to securely exchange OAuth tokens for access to protected resources, such as data or functionality, within the application. The endpoint provides a simplified interface for users to manage and refresh their tokens, making it easier to integrate Decisions with other systems that require OAuth authentication. By leveraging the OAuthTokenService, users can ensure secure access to their data and streamline their workflow processes within the Decisions application.
ObjectLockServiceThe Object Lock Service API provides methods to lock objects, release and break locks, get details of a lock, and check on the lock status of an object.
OtherContactServiceThe Other Contact Service API is a web service that provides methods for managing the "OtherContact" type of contacts for users in a Decisions environment.
PageServiceThe Page Service API is a dedicated web service within the Decisions web application. Its purpose is to handle interactions related to page management within the application. This API provides various methods for adding, removing, deleting, and editing pages, going beyond the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Additionally, the Page Service API offers unique functionalities tailored to its namesake. These special capabilities allow users to perform advanced operations on pages such as generating previews, rendering templates, or publishing content. The specific features and functionalities of the Page Service API make it a valuable tool for creating dynamic and customizable page management processes within Decisions.
PersonalizationServicePersonalization Service is responsible for changes users make to their visual experience. One example is filters that appear on Reports or Pages.
PopularEntitiesServiceThe Popular Entities Service API is a web service that allows the user to get the popular entities list and items to the list.
PortalLockServiceThe Portal Lock Service API is a dedicated web service that allows the user to lock and unlock their Decisions portal.
PrintExportServicePrint Export Service allows for Reports to be downloaded as Excel or CSV files.
ProfileSessionServiceThe Profile Session Service API is a dedicated endpoint within the broader Decisions web application. It specifically caters to handling interactions related to user profiles and their session management within the application. The Profile Session Service API provides various methods for adding, updating, and deleting user profiles within the application. It also allows for the management of user sessions, including session initiation, termination, and session timeout management.
ProjectConversionServiceThe Project Conversion Service API is a web service within the Decisions web application that allows users to convert different types of Projects within the application. The service provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting Project conversions, as well as retrieving information about Project conversions that have already been created. The Project Conversion Service API is designed to be easy to use and integrate with other applications. The service supports both JSON and XML data formats, and provides support for both GET and POST requests. The service also provides rate limiting to prevent abuse and protect against DoS attacks.
ProjectToDoServiceProject To Do Service handles all of the functionality of To Dos, such as creating, editing and deleting them.
ProjectViewServiceProject View Service provides the functionality to manage settings of Projects such as setting a name or description, updating dependencies and add modules.
PropertyEditorServiceAnywhere in the platform that allows configuration of properties is the domain of Property Editor Service. This allows for entering and changing settings under property menus.
QueryDefinitionServiceQuery Definition allows for various functionality around database integrations. It allows for adding, running, and deleting queries.
RecentPickedEntityServiceThe Recent Picked Entity Service API is a web service in the Decisions web application that allows enterprise users to retrieve a list of recently picked entities. The entities can be any type of data object, such as customers, orders, or products, and the list can be filtered by user, date, and other parameters. The service is designed to be lightweight and scalable, and can be easily integrated into existing enterprise workflows and business rules.
ReportingServiceThe Reporting Service API is a dedicated endpoint within the broader Decisions web application platform. Its purpose is to facilitate the generation and retrieval of comprehensive reports, providing valuable insights and metrics for various aspects and functionalities within the Decisions platform. Reporting Service API enables developers to create, format, and run reports for retrieving data, as well as schedule reports.
ReportViewServiceReport View Service allows Reports to be edited and for data to be retrieved and displayed. One example is that the service allows users to add and remove columns or rows.
RepositoryClientSSOServiceRepository Client SSO Service retrieves the account that has initiated the current active session.
RestAPIExecutionServiceRest API Execution Service causes REST calls via API to occur.
RuleDebugServiceRule Debug Service manages the Debugger for Rules.
RuleEditServiceRule Edit Service handles the functionality for editing all types of Rules. It also allows for Rules to appear as Steps within Flows.
RuleExecutionServiceRule Execution Service gives Rules the ability to run and return results.
RuleSetEditServiceRule Set Edit Service handles functionality for how Rule Sets behave within a folder context.
RuleSetServiceRule Set Service manages how results are interpreted within a Rule Set.
RuleTableServiceRule Table Service handles all creation, deletion, and editing of Rule Tables.
SampleServiceSample Service manages the functionality of Sample Data used in Debuggers in the designers of the platform.
ScheduledJobServiceThe Scheduled Job Service API endpoint within the Decisions web application that provides the ability to schedule and manage background jobs. This API endpoint allows developers to create, update, and delete scheduled jobs, as well as retrieve information about active and past jobs. The Scheduled Job Service is particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks, such as data synchronization or report generation, at a scheduled interval. It offers a simple, intuitive interface for creating and managing scheduled jobs, making it easy for developers to integrate this functionality into their workflow processes.
SchedulingServiceThe Scheduling Service API is a web service that allows users to manage the scheduling of flow executions in Decisions.
ServiceCatalogServiceThe Service Catalog Service API is a component of the Decisions web application, which allows users to add items to the workflow catalog, as a well as search the workflow catalog and retrieve specific items.
ServiceInformationServiceThe Service Information Service API is a dedicated endpoint within the broader Decisions web application. This API is designed to provide specific functionality related to retrieving, querying, and managing service-related information within Decisions.
SSOServiceThe SSO Service API endpoint allows users to get the SSO Handler Type Name and check if SSO is enabled. 
StateInfoServiceThe State Info Service API provides methods that return the StateInfo database entry for a state by name or state code, as well as all states for a given country.
SupportServiceThe Support Service API is a dedicated support endpoint for the Decisions web application. It serves as a central location for managing support requests, allowing users to submit new issues, track the status of existing requests, and access relevant documentation and resources.
TableRelationshipServiceTable Relationship handles all aspects of database relationships, such as creating and deleting them.
TaggingServiceThe Tagging Service API is a web service within the broader Decisions web application. It is responsible for handling the specific task of applying tags to various types of entities within the application, such as users, tasks, or other entities.
TextMergeServiceText Merge service provides the functionality that appears anywhere in the platform that has the Text Merge option.
ThemeServiceThe Theme Service API allows clients to apply custom themes to various aspects of the Decisions web application, such as forms and reports. The service includes methods to set the default theme, apply a custom theme to an individual form or report, and retrieve a list of all available themes.
TileDataReturnServiceTile Data Return retrieves data for a Tile or Tiles.
TileReturnServiceTile Return manages data for Tiles and how that data is displayed.
ToolboxHelpServiceToolbox Help retrieves help for Flow steps inside the Flow Designer.
TranslationServiceThe Translation Service API allows for the management of language translations in Decisions, as well as help messages.
TruthTableServiceTruth Table Service allows users to build and design Truth Tables and for those Truth Tables to function.
UnitTestServiceUnit Test Service manages all aspects of Unit Tests, such as their creation, saving changes, and deleting them.
UserDefinedControlServiceUser Defined Control Service allows Data Repeaters to function.
UserMessageServiceThe UserMessageService API is a web service that allows users to send, receive, and manage messages within the Decisions web application. It provides a simple and efficient way for users to communicate and collaborate with one another, ensuring that important notifications and information are delivered to the intended recipients in a timely manner.
ValidationIssueServiceThe Validation Issue Service API is a dedicated web service that allows users to retrieve system validations in their Decisions instance.
WebHookServiceWebhook Service is responsible for all functionality used in creating and using Webhooks within Decisions.

Step Changes

DescriptionVersionDateDeveloper Task
Added to platform.9.0March 2024N/A
Added the Set Look and Feel method found under the Folder Service9.7February 2025[DT-032577]

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