Create a Custom Assignment Notification Email
  • 18 Dec 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create a Custom Assignment Notification Email

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Article summary


When a user is assigned something from Decisions, an email can be sent to the user account email address with a default template containing a link to the assignment or a link to the Portal. This notification can be customized by changing the Notification Policy type in the assigned step properties and configuring a custom message with the text editor.


This example will edit the assignment settings on the assignment created in the Creating a Basic Assignment article.

  1. Select the Add Task step and navigate to the Properties panel.
  2. Expand Email.
  3. Expand Email Notification, change the Notification Policy to Custom.
    1. Under Subject, select SHOW EDITOR, to give the email a subject.
    2. Under Body, select SHOW EDITOR, to give the email a body.
  4. When the Flow runs, the assignee will receive the configured email. 

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